Do you think Oprah is the Anti-Christ? She endorsed Dr Phil and Deepak Chopra


New member
Nov 22, 2010
and promoted Pseudo Science? No other person has promoted charlatans as much as Oprah Winphrey. Such as Deepak Chopra, and Dr Phil, both of whom heavily promotes pseudo-sciences to the masses.
By golly your right, that matches the criteria for the anti-christ to a tee... Endorsing Dr. Phil, I saw it in the scripture...

Run for the hills...
Every generation of christians for the past 2000 years has identified many antichrists, and each generation of christians has been wrong. Why should this be any different?
So everyone that supports pseudosciences the Antichrist?

Interesting. . . .

I wonder what that says about the charlatans in the field of Creation "Science"
2 each his own. As 4 Phil & his cracker jack degree, he makes me want 2 vomit every time I see him. He has himself not upon a pedestal, but a throne. Who could we get 2 dethrone him, maybe Dr. Spock.
I believe that Obama is not the anti-christ. He is the 2nd comming of the Messiah. He is in a battle with the same money changers, murders, and slave traders. Barrack = blessed and lightening. He is a 32 level in Prince Hall. There are many other signs too. You should pray with and for him.

George W. Bush lied us into two evil wars of aggression for the benefit of Israel and the Jewish war profiteers on Wall Street and the banks.

Yeshua: Of those who harm a young child that it would truly be better "... for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea Matt 18:6. 1500+ children MURDERED LOOK >

Israelites can never return to Palestine because Yahweh promised a new place, II Sam. 7:10 Most are still unsure of their Israelite identity, as a result of corrupt Doctrine from their forced renaming into Roman Christianity. Israelites worship only Yahweh the One Almighty Sovereign Creator Power of all that exists. This belief is called "Yahwism and have the same belief as Yahweh's adopted Son Yahshua (Jesus) the Messiah.

When 1000 years are completed, the slander will be freed from prison. Jews came into being 1000 years after the death of Abraham Kings 16:6 There are 12 tribes NOT 13

Jews are not Israelites or Semites; but are instead Khazars, Mongols, and Huns. Jews more closely related to Hun, Uigur, and Magyrs than to the seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. The are associated with Magog and Gog. They were the moneychangers and slave traders.

Israeli's right to exist is not based on the covenant of Abraham with God; it is based on international law -- i.e., on the United Nations' decision of 1947. .
The Jewish Encyclopedia tells us that "Edom is in Modern Jewry".

Yahshua was NOT a Jew, he was a pure blooded member of the tribe of Judah, a true Judahite. Matthew C1 and Luke C3. Yahshua was a descendant of the patriarch Judah, through one of his twin sons Pharez, who was an ancestor of his mother Mary. He came through the line of David, and Nathan the brother of Solomon, as traced in Luke C3. Yahshua was a pure blooded Israelite of the tribe of Judah as Paul tells in Romans I: 3.

Edomites had control of the temple and power to enforce all their local laws. John 18:31

Edomites stated that Yahshua was an ancestor of theirs through Esau. John 8:33; however, the Hebrew blood, through Esau, had been diluted by 1700 years of marrying the people of Canaanite racial stock. Yahshua rebuked them for their false claim to the Abraham lineage Israelites. John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth because there is not truth in him." John 8:31-47. These were the Jews to whom Yahshua was speaking, and the Bible identifies them as Jews.

Persia is Iran Daniel 10:15-21
I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia (European Continent) shall come. But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me in these things, but Michael your prince.

Abraham had 2 sons. Ishmael (Arab) by a slave woman and Isaac (Israelites). There are 12 tribes not 13.

The fear that I have is that the same that murdered Jesus, will also murder him.