Do you think life is supposed to be a pleasure cruise or is it like the army?

unless you're white, you actually have problems in your life. So if you're white, stop complaining, and go buy a Lamborghini or something.
Life should be an adventure. Surprise and mystery provide the meaning in our lives whether they bring pain or pleasure.
On an episode of Star Trek the next generation captain Picard once said "life is an exercise in exceptions" take whatever happiness you can get out of, try not to kill yourself getting it. And love everyday your alive! Because once the sun sets that day, that time is gone, and your one step closer to death.

Not everything is going your way, and sometimes you have to accept what is!
I personally don't think life is supposed to be a pleasure cruise. I mean, we can't even choose which parents we want to be born in. We have no choice from the beginning so why would that be a pleasure?