
  1. A

    Do you think life is supposed to be a pleasure cruise or is it like the army?

    I am soldier for the Lord. This ain't no disco.
  2. P

    Have you ever traveled for work or just for your own pleasure?

    What was it like? Did the co. you worked for pay for your transportation to the airport? What details can you give me about traveling for work. Were you meals paid for or did you just take them off your taxes? What did you do when you reached your destination? Were you in meetings or at a...
  3. S

    is it cheating if you pleasure yourself to pics of an ex that you still activly

    talk with ? i was just asked .? I was asked this question from a friend.... he still talks with this ex and even sends specail requests as to what he would like to see from her in these videos.... but the kicker he is in a newly commited relationship and says this girl makes him feel in so many...
  4. Jordan

    Riddle what starts with a s ends with an ex gives pleasure and is not sex?

    It's a riddle need an answer
  5. E

    I Always Have This Feeling Of Pleasure "Down There"?

    I always feel like I'm about to orgasm the whole day after I have actually had an orgasm? Why is that? I mean, I like it (tmi? sorry, but really who wouldn't like that feeling) but it's too much, you know? Does this happen to anyone else? Is it normal?
  6. G

    Japan Nuclear Disaster Update 34: A quick feed for your reading pleasure

    Today all we have for you is Ana's feed, and only the first half. We have both been very busy with distracting things like work and other writing projects and so on. There are interesting things going on at Fukushima and in the Nuclear Power industry in general, as you'll see soon. In the mean...
  7. B

    Bell boots showing wstern pleasure ?

    Can I show in bell boots in a western pleasure class with my quarter horse
  8. R

    What are some unusual names of some people you've had the pleasure of meeting?

    I used to work with Hunter QuackenBush,,, wierd eh?
  9. J

    Has anyone had the pleasure of seeing either Roger Waters or David Gilmour in

    concert? Who puts on the better show?
  10. M

    Is pursuing fun and self-interested pleasure OK?

    I’m so caught up with being good and doing the right thing all the time that I feel like having fun is selfish. I’ve been brought up in an environment where I always had to be selfless and serve others. It was not ok for me to do what I want, I always had to do what I have to and should. To me...
  11. J

    how to I make my girlfriend get pleasure out of our sex it seems like it only

    feels good to her when she ontop? Like when we have sex she seems like se enjoys in better when she is on top.. what do i do to make it just as good for her as it is for me
  12. H

    Should i watch Grown Ups for the pleasure of laughing and being satisifed by the

    humour? Is it worth to watch this recently released movie or does it blow? The previews look funny but it was rotten on rotten tomatoes (like 10%).
  13. K

    Do men really have to holes in which one is used for gay pleasure?

    By the way does the second hole hurt?
  14. D

    Do guys ever feel pleasure during sex?

    My boyfriend and I are sexually active. He uses Durex condoms. He tells me he feels a bit pleasure, but the pleasure really happens at the end of sex when he finishes. I feel more pleasure than he does, but we've never had sex unprotected. Is this common when guys have sex with a condom or bare??
  15. M

    Nicotine: pleasure or need?

    Would a non-smoker get satisfaction by giving him a "dose" of nicotine (let's say NOT through smoking, to exclude bad taste and coughing) equal to a cigarette, or would someone have to develop a nicotine-habit to be satisfied in any way?
  16. W

    Discuss: Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work (Agree/Disagree?)?

  17. W

    Discuss: Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work (Agree/Disagree?)?

  18. G

    New PS3 Ads Celebrate the Simple Pleasure of Beheading an Inlaw [PS3]

    If this PS3 ad were a bit more honest, it might read, "Destroy 7000 enemies along with your relationship with your wife." By Mexican ad agency Diagonal, this new series of posters are part of Sony's latest, slightly less esoteric branding initiative for the PS3 in which the console actually...
  19. L

    Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life .

    We are professional suppliers who special focus on the brand:Uggs Classic Tall,Ugg Bailey Button,Air Jordan online store,MLB Jerseys,Cheap NFL Jerseys, NHL Jerseys, NBA Jerseys,Cheap cartier glasses,GHD, New styles and hot styles are active every day.We wholesale our products at very low price...
  20. G

    Stuff for your reading and viewing pleasure ...

    On Scienceblogs .... Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...