Do tarot cards predict the future, or do they have powers that change

Not really. Not everything that comes up on the card will happen to you. However, it tells you of what might happen in your future and if you can change the outcome for the best of you and your family or friends than change it. I had a tarot card reading about 2 years ago and some of the things that came up on the card did happen also the lady warn me to think about my future and to change it which i did and i am glad i did.I feel that it would have been a terrible outcome if i hadn't change my future.I also just want to tell you to be careful and not read them so much because only god knows your future no matter what the cards tell you. I know i sound like a hypocrite. :[
If you are not an occult initiate you will probably have a real hit and miss path with Tarot, They do work, they can show how to change future events (sometimes) there are things that are unavoidable regardless of what feelgooders and doubters say. You should probably not play with Tarot. The books that are sold in stores and most that come with the cards are very incomplete. If you feel compelled to learn buy a deck of Rider Waite Tarot cards and study the booklet that comes with it and then practice, the occult is strange, when you are ready a teacher will appear.

Good luck.