Disgusting 'fashion' trend?


New member
May 4, 2010
Okay, I'm not a fashion VICTIM, but I am a fashionista. :^* So in my school, while I'm wearing my knee-high leather boots and skinny jeans, Other girls are wearing ENORMOUSLY baggy sweatpants- and slippers!! EW!! Am I the only one who finds this extremely unattractive ?? ... and for tops? TIGHT tops. like SKIN TIGHT. Seriously? What is attractive about that? I can understand that for painting a house, but school? Or, there's your 'i try but i still fail' girls. Weird overcomb, and generic aeropostale shirts. Ugh.
Sorry. That was kinda mean. But, I had to.
well I guess it is in a way a trend but you have to keep in mind that it's extremelyyy comfortable! I guess the look people are shooting for are "im trying to look like I put in no effort this morning but I can pull it off" which some can and others can't. And the skin tight tops, as my mother would say (brace yourself) if you've got it flaunt it.
Okay, brace yourself. Some people just don't care about fashion. It means little or nothing to some of them and some have only a mild interest in it. I'm teasing you but it is actually true and always will be so you'll have to learn not to stress about it.

Enjoy the styles of other fashionistas and leave the uninterested ones to do as they like. They're not pushing you to wear what they do, after all. Take a deep breath. I know you can look the other way when they pass by!! : P
AND knee high leather boots and jeans i cant say thats exactly pretty either
All that aeropostale is are T shirts. Nothing new about that! Sweats are for around the house or garden. It's too much like grunge to me. I see nothing wrong with knee high boots and tight jeans if you have the figure for it. I would be embarrassed to be caught by anyone I know in sweats at school or the store. Great if your trying to hide your figure, I guess. It is comfy, but it doesn't look good.

Bet the girl in the jeans and boots get looked at by the guys!
Your obviously just too good for that school.
Maybe do it a favor and go to a preppy private school? and get out of there?

Ps: I'm wearing trackkies right now.... I'm at work.
i think knee high leather boots look rediculous. Honestly, its school. Why do you care what you look like in math class? If you want to impress a guy, then ask him out and then dress up. You seem really stuck up. Maybe those people don't feel a need to dress up, because there naturally beautiful?
I think people should be allowed to wear what they want and especially at school they don't want to be judged - leave them alone.
Judge people who want to be judged- the people that put effort into their outfit
I agree wit you. The kind of style you are talking about is a little tacky but that's them, let them do their own thing. Its your style that counts. Just let them fo their thing and you do yours.
Why do you care so much about what everyone else is wearing? You make yourself sound shallow and stupid, which is very unattractive no matter how much you wrap it up in designer clothes. I'm pretty sure the only person who cares what YOU find fashionable is YOU. Grow up sweetheart.
Well if your school starts at 7 in the morning, you're not gonna care too much about look cute. And it's called cute and casual. And people don't do it to look cute, it's to be comfy. Aeropostale is awesome and tight tops are in. What you wear isn't cute to me at ALL! So please don't act like you're all that and know everything because you don't and what you're describing is far from cute.