Did you know that owning a pet causes more global warming than an SUV?


New member
Jul 4, 2009
For all you global warming lovers out there, I expect your pets to be gone by the end of the week. Don't say you care about global warming and then DARE the extravagance of owning a dog.

Combine the land required to generate its food and a "medium" sized dog has an annual footprint of 0.84 hectares (2.07 acres) -- around twice the 0.41 hectares required by a 4x4 driving 10,000 kilometres (6,200 miles) a year, including energy to build the car.

To confirm the results, the New Scientist magazine asked John Barrett at the Stockholm Environment Institute in York, Britain, to calculate eco-pawprints based on his own data. The results were essentially the same.

"Owning a dog really is quite an extravagance, mainly because of the carbon footprint of meat," Barrett said.

Other animals aren't much better for the environment, the Vales say.

Cats have an eco-footprint of about 0.15 hectares, slightly less than driving a Volkswagen Golf for a year, while two hamsters equates to a plasma television and even the humble goldfish burns energy equivalent to two mobile telephones.


(These people are getting absurd.)
CHEWY IVAN: Are you going to argue with scientists? They've done the research, TWICE just to make certain...are you a scientist? NO so you HAVE to listen to them, you can't argue with scientists, they know whats best for all of us...and they'd never lie.
No, it doesn't. It might have a larger carbon footprint, but that carbon was already part of the environment. SUV's burn substances that were buried underground for millions of years and far removed from the environment. SUV's create more carbon dioxide and other compounds that weren't part of the environment previously, creating more of a greenhouse effect and adding to global warming.
So it's really the animals causing global warming & not the humans? I bet the whining animal activists are having heart attacks right now.
All the more reason to continue to pump tons and tons of pollutants into the air. How can that be bad?
Yes, it is time to eat the dog. They are killing the planet. They need to be stopped. The biggest problem is they vote democrat in Chicago....

Liberalism, three parts stupidity, one part ignorance.

BTW, did they say anything about the catestrophic impact of polar bears? Can you imagine the CO2 expelled after eating a salmon whole?
If pets cause global warming, then how about wild animals in the forest?

They would be causing global warming even if humans didn't exist.

And of humans were not cutting into their natural habitat, there would be even more of them.

The Earth would be like Venus already if that was true.

Will hunters get carbon credits for killing deer?
Other animals aren't much better for the environment, the Vales say.
I love it. Let's get rid of all of the pesky wildlife to save the environment. Who didn't know these people would get ridiculous?
I don't think that's a good way of measuring how much global warming a pet contributes, because they could find "greener" ways of making petfood. Use solar powered tractors to harvest crops, for instance.

It doesn't sound like the guy calculated how much energy is consumed in manufacturing a car, as well as mining oil and converting it to gasoline... and the land... and the wars we get into. When you think of it that way, the SUV causes quite a lot of global warming as well. Plus more people have cars than they have pets.
Well, the animal would have the same impact on global warming whether you owned him or not. If a dog was living in the wild, he'd still have to eat. The animal's existence is responsible for global warming, not the fact that a human is owning him/her.
If humans stopped consuming meat, it would have a much more dramatic impact on reducing ecological damage than getting rid of all of our pets. Still, pets have an impact, too; that's really all this article is trying to say. No need to freak out about it.