Did Abraham Lincoln ever show compassion or Civility?


New member
Dec 11, 2009
Ok well im doing an essay on abraham lincoln and we have to find 9 different ways he used or didnt use all of the 9 character traits of our school(honesty, civility, compassion, initiative, courage, loyalty, responibility, honesty, respect and perseverance.) i found all of them except for civility and compassion. can anyone tell me an event in which abe lincoln showed compassion or civility and cite their source which cannot be wikkipia?? i need this fast thankyou!!
just as Jack said, oh, i wish we have another Lincoln as president... such great man with compassion....
Yeah, he did. He hung out across the street nights at the telegraph office according to the officers who ran the place, waiting for news of the war. Wrung his hands a lot, cried sometimes, acknowledged it was all his fault. Which it was. Gotta give him that much credit. He knew what he was and didn't like it any better than he should have.