Converting to Judaism as a 13 year old?


New member
Mar 14, 2013
So, I'm planning on converting to Reform Judaism (someday) and now, I'm studying the religion more just to be sure that I really want to convert. To get a sense of how my life will be different in the future, I try to keep kosher as much as I can and celebrate Jewish holidays. I mean, we've always celebrated holidays like Chanukah and we try not to eat pork, and we attended my baby cousin's Brit Milah, but we've never really explored the religions reasons. Is this okay, or should I wait to the future? Also, how old would I need to be to be able to convert? I really can't be converted until I move out of the house, because we live nowhere near a synagogue or any rabbi. And neither one of my parents (as far as I know) are Jewish, but a lot of my aunts, uncles, grandfathers, grandmas, and cousins are,so it's a part of the family. So is there anything I should do now that would help me in my conversion later? HELP ME!!!!
And John Quill, I want to convert to Judaism, not Christianity.
I am converting from just a kid who believes in G-d, though I did say Greek Orthodox prayers every night/ As for my parents...I'm a little scared of what they might say and if they will accept what I want to do, and I won't be able to provide them with an explanation of WHY, because even I'm not sure why, I just know this is what I'm supposed to do.
answer: find a synagogue, get permission to attend synagogue and study at the synagogue. You will need parental permission.

Orthodox, Reconstructionist and Conservative Judaism: these require you to keep kashrut (kosher) which you are unable to do until you live on your own.

Orthodox Judaism: you would need to live in an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood so you can walk to synagogue on Shabbat.

Keep learning, visit synagogue of all four branches, avoid 'messianics' (they will lead you astray from both Judaism and Christianity). Find where you are being called and don't despair if you find you aren't called to convert. You don't need to be Jewish to find Gd
Why are you converting? and from what are you converting?At 13 can you discuss this with your parents? Make decisions with you eyes open; most religions like you to follow with your eyes closed.
I have respect for the Jews since they are greatly loved by God and they wrote the Bible, but there are a few draw backs for becoming a Jew. Number one is that there are many who hate Jews, even wanting to kill them,and it's possible another Holocaust would happen. But even if you don't mind taking the risk, you ought to know that the Jews were lied to because the chief priests bribed the soldiers. Have you read the last chapter of Matthew? You need to read it and understand what has been done. This lie has been passed down from generation to generation ever since, and the traditional Jews don't accept Jesus although he IS the true Messiah who came and will come again. There are many prophecies in the OT that proves he was the one. And there is another lie going around saying we made up the NT by what the OT said. That is not true either. Pray earnestly and find out what God has to tell you. If you have to be a Jew, be a Messianic Jew. At least they believe in Jesus.