Conservatives are opposing the use of food stamps at KFC and Taco Bell! When will...


New member
Mar 24, 2011
...racism in America end?
What an abuse of the system.

Sometimes I wonder why anyone would even try to make a better life these days. A person can live better on government assistance than some can with an honest paying job.

Truly disgusting.
shouldn't this be a lib issue,since they are trying to shut those places down?....

now that i think about it ,this is libs wanting control over those fast food places...once they allow food stamps to be used there,the govt. will come in an tell them what they can and can't sell...
More like the restaurants and junk food businesses are interested in grabbing some of that stamp money - problem is, if those food stamp users eat too much of that junk food, they'll develop some health problems.

And then those health problems will become the problem of the state, as usual.

I can see why some would oppose this, and I wouldn't call it racist.
Not necessarily racist, at least.
You can use them there? Wow I didn't know that! Knowing that now though, I can kind of understand. I mean part of the cost in food at a restaurant is preparation cost. If you buy your food at the store and prepare it yourself it's not only cheaper, but more healthy for you!

I could see the need for homeless, but I don't think it's racism, I am sure there are whites on food stamps too, the race card doesn't work for that argument!
they are not supposed to enjoy being on the public tit. They are supposed to aspire to something better.