Cliff Collapse and Feeling of Reoccurring Dream?


New member
Dec 2, 2012
I had a dream that I was in the passenger seat of my professor's sport's car, and that he was driving us up a path that lead to a cliff. At first I was nervous because he was going so fast, and then I became terrified when the dirt road we were ascending became nearly vertical. The car was slipping while he pressed on the gas pedal, but we finally made it up. Once on the cliff, there were around thirty other people just hanging out, sitting around, and talking on the huge mass of rock that the cliff was comprised of. It was a relatively calming environment. However, I seemed to be talking to someone when we heard and felt an unsteady rumble. Within a second, the entire cliff had broken off and was falling down into the depths of a cave/lake. At that point, I knew I was going to die, and vaguely remember praying or making the sign of the cross as I fell (though, I am not religious in my waking life) through the air along with many of the others who had also been on the cliff. Just as I had accepted my fate, I somehow managed to latch onto the earthy wall of the cave and prevented myself from plummeting to my death. Once I climbed down to the bottom of the cave, where the water met the land, it was a terrible scene: bodies washing ashore of all those who had fallen to their deaths, people standing around in disbelief and despair. It was at that point, as I looked at the faces of these drowned and crushed people lying belly up in the water, that I realized that I've had this dream many times in my life, but that this was the first time that it had ever had a conclusion. The last part, the feeling that this was extremely familiar, is what I have questions about (in addition to any general dream interpretations of course). I'm no stranger to reoccurring dreams, but I'm always aware that they are, in fact, reoccurring dreams because I remember them vividly. Has anyone had a similar experience to this, or is anyone able to analyze my dream regarding the cliff collapse, unbelievably steep road, etc?