Church-State Separation in Minnesota: Not so much


Active member
Jun 6, 2008
The majority of Minnesotans simply do not believe in church-state separation. Many of the same individuals will scream at you if you even begin to discuss 2nd amendment issues. Most of them think there is a privacy amendment and most of them prefer positions of appeasement over strict constitutionality ... when it is convenient. In other words, Minnesotans are much like the rest of America, but with more corn.

So, I do not expect the citizens of the North Star State to rise up in rebellion or even to get mildly indignant over the fact that the Minnesota Catholic Conference is engaging in clearly illegal campaign and political activities. It is, after all, the church, what could they be dong wrong? Their heart is in the right place, so what if there's a gray area in this church-state separation thing? I mean, churches do good work, don't they?

Well, not really.

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