Church people are nothing but a bunch of gossips, liars, and thieves, so why should


New member
Apr 22, 2008
I go? Church people are the meanest, most hateful, and most heartless people I know. I've been gossipped about, lied to over and over, and stolen from over and over - so why should I go to church -there isn't a one that you can trust. They say they do the work of God but all they do is steal kill and destroy.
None of them have ever paid me back for the things they've robbed me of or stolen from me. Never.
They rob the poor so that they can become rich.
I'd say 95% of churches are only in it for the money. You don't have to go if you don't want to. What kind of god, if there is one, would punish you for not going to church? Not the kind of god I would want...