
  1. M

    What channel is Pretty Little Liars on TELUS?

    There's so many channels on my TV, i have telus satellite. I wanna watch PLL tonightt!
  2. G

    Best TV Moments: Pretty Little Liars' Shocking Return, White Collar's Finale Proposal

    Spoiler alert!*Our roundup of the night's most memorable TV moments will brief you on*the biggest and best happenings from Tuesday's shows—some of which you might not have...
  3. B

    Who is "A" supposed to be in the Pretty Little Liars story?

    Even though i have a hunch who A' is from the pretty liars. just wondering who 'A' is? I just started reading book 2 on my Nook(Book one wasn't available yet to 'download/or borrow from Overdrive yet
  4. G

    TV OMG Moments: Pretty Little Liars' Shocking Death, Smash's Surprising Kiss and More

    Spoiler alert!*Our TV Watercooler*catches you up on*the biggest and best happenings from tonight's shows—some of which you might not yet have seen. So look away if you...
  5. G

    Spoiler Chat: Scoop on Pretty Little Liars, New Girl, Nashville, Parks and Recreation

    Ready for some scoop?! Trick question: Of course you are! In today's Spoiler Chat, we've got scoop on Pretty Little Liars' sure-to-be crazy finale, what's ahead for New...
  6. O

    Can someone help me explain what happened in last night's Pretty little liars

    episode? So when aria, emily, hanna and spencer went to see ally's memorial thing. Spencer saw someone with a last name of cavanaugh. (I think that's how you spell it), I'm wondering was that Toby's mom? Or was that Toby's grave thing?? Because she wrote Toby on it with the "a" key.. so I was...
  7. A

    Dietary Supplements, Weight Loss Drugs Are Lying Liars Full Of Lies, Report Finds

    It is a fact: There is no scammier aisle of a drug store than the one that sells weight loss supplements. Labeled with hopeful promises about pounds lost, fat burned, and appetites suppressed, most consumers know to be skeptical of diet pills. But according to a new report by the Department of...
  8. A

    Church people are nothing but a bunch of gossips, liars, and thieves, so why should

    I go? Church people are the meanest, most hateful, and most heartless people I know. I've been gossipped about, lied to over and over, and stolen from over and over - so why should I go to church -there isn't a one that you can trust. They say they do the work of God but all they do is steal...
  9. E

    HELP with a riddle! only truth tellers & only liars?

    you visit a land where there are two kinds of people, liars and truth telers. liars always lie and truth tellers always tell the truth. you encounter 2 people. one tell you 'if i'm a truth teller, my friend is a truth teller'. which is which? they can each be both. there doesn't have to be one...
  10. E

    HELP with a riddle! only truth tellers & only liars?

    you visit a land where there are two kinds of people, liars and truth telers. liars always lie and truth tellers always tell the truth. you encounter 2 people. one tell you 'if i'm a truth teller, my friend is a truth teller'. which is which? they can each be both. there doesn't have to be one...
  11. O

    Pretty Little Liars Season 1 Pilot Clues?

    I just watched the most recent episode S02E22 and I've decided to re-watch the series. Upon Spencer getting the first email from A (about kissing and telling) there is a flashback. After this, the laptop is unfocused but the email has changed. It is much longer than the 2 sentences originally...
  12. G

    Spoiler Chat: Scoop on American Horror Story, New Girl, Pretty Little Liars and More!

    Television is a fickle beast this time of year. Some TV shows are on hiatus, and some are hurtling toward their midseason finales. And even better, some series are coming back from being away for...
  13. B

    What channel is Pretty Little Liars on for Telus Satellite?

    I have a Telus Satellite disk and am wondering what channel PLL is on. I haven't watched it forever except for on the internet and I really want to. Also I want to know what time it is on and what day. Thanks everyone! When? What Channel? BTW I need it quick! I think it starts at 8:00... am I...
  14. A

    Pretty Little Liars??

    Ok first of all I remember in the beginning of the show alison lived by Emily and it was showing them throw out all her old stuff when Maya was moving in. And they said Toby would watch them through the window so I though Alison and Toby were neighbors and Emily lived across the street. But then...
  15. A

    Pretty Little Liars Question?

    Does the show Pretty Little Liars and the books have completely different endings? That's what I've heard. And also you can give away the ending to both...I don't care! Thanks!
  16. L

    pretty little liars vs gossip girl?

    i prefer pretty little liars, since the characters are a lot more relatable, but gossip girls funny and extremely hilarious since it's so ridiculous. :D
  17. A

    Pretty Little Liars complete season one download?

    Do you know where I can download the complete season 1 of Pretty Little Liars for free? Links pleeeaaassseee. :) I don't want to watch it, I want to download it. Like with Utorrent or WinRAR.
  18. S

    Are any of the people on the cover of Pretty Little Liars from the TV show?

    In the newest books there a photos of people on the cover but the only one i can realize is Alison on the 6th book and is it true that the 10th book won't come out in NZ until the 11th of December?
  19. L

    Should I bother reading the Pretty Little Liars series if I know who "A" is?

    Should I bother reading the Pretty Little Liars series if I know who "A" is? I didn't want to know who "A" was by all means, but I overheard my friend talking about it, so now I know...Is it a waste of time for me to still read the series since I know the big secret, or is it still intense and...
  20. A

    Will a DVD package come out of Pretty Little Liars?

    I was wondering if ABC Family will ever release a Season 1 DVD set of Pretty Little Liars. Does anyone know?