Christians why, if that is what you are, using Jesus Christ name as a curse word?


New member
Jul 8, 2008
Stop this! You are despicable! Get right wirh God and obey the Commands!
Larry Why because YOU say so! You are retarded!
Bobby sorry no I am not. I have heard this out of many professing Christians. You should get out more not everything revolves around your small world! But then again I am glad you are isolated from all this!
Matias Thank you for your answer. We should not except this behavior as if it is all right. There is no excuse. If these people are true believers they will completely turn away from this type of sinning.
Violating the Commandment of taking the Lord's name in vain is a horrible habit that people pick up from others.It can be broken in time by stopping yourself each time you do it and instead using a substitute word which shortly will be memorized.For instance one of my clients is now substituting "omg" with "omh";oh my heart.:applause:
Funny, I've never heard any of my Christian friends use Jesus' name as a curse.
You must have me confused with some heathen.

Religion is backward, primitive, retarded and ignorant, and it makes people think, talk and act- backward, primitive, retarded and ignorant!

God, Satan, heaven, hell- Don't Exist!! They are primitive, backward, retarded, imaginary, ignorant, religious fairy tales, made-up and fabricated before humans had the science, technology and knowledge to explain things properly!

Humans made up myths and imaginary god creatures and religious fairy tales to explain things in the past because they didn't have the science, technology and knowledge to explain things properly back then.

The above explains all of God(s) and religion.
That's all you need to know about God(s) and religion.