Christians: if you were pregnant with the anti-Christ, would you have it aborted?


New member
Jun 6, 2013
I don't believe in super villians...but lets just say that this were to happen. And don't dodge the question with: "oh well that wouldn't happen to me because I am so utterly Christian". No I want a straight answer.
Aren't Christians praying for the end of the world? Maybe it is just some of the Christians I have met...
No way! God wants every baby carried to full-term and given birth, not murdered by heathen doctors. The Antichrist is not an unimportant part of God's divine plan and having an abortion would thwart that plan. That's why we don't have abortions at all - to ensure the Antichrist will be born and God's plan for the world fulfilled.
I don't believe in abortion and I would not abort the anti - Christ. It's his or her destiny to be born and take over the world. It means God is coming back soon and the sooner the better.
No. God wants us to spread the Gospel to all nations. So in my opinion (just an opinion) you should lead him to Jesus. But first, you have to pray and believe the Lord will send the Holy Spirit into his heart. And really, with strong faith, he will become a Christian.
considering it would either come out my dick or asshole I would have to say fuck no!!!! But out of my girlfriend?? Now that sounds interesting
Well looks like you've trapped them in a corner, good job!
Did you get this idea from the Woodland Christmas Critters episode by any chance?