christians,how can you tell that bible contains absolute truth?


New member
Aug 11, 2009
it would be nice to hear something that at least could "stand" in any court.
how do you know that bible is the word from god ?
Only Jesus Saves,i only read it till you said "it doesn't contradict itself"...
tax_seni...,so da vinci is god?..either you or i am missing something.
it can't. no evidence.

@Only Jesus Saves;

You're using things that are natural observance and text out of context to prove a point.
1. Knowing about quarantine is not all that uncommon. Contamination is actually a visually verifiable process. Let's see, you break out in a rash a few days later 3 people who spent time with you break out into the same rash...well hell, it's contagious. not that hard to conclude

2. In the verse where the bible talks about suspending the earth over nothing. It was talking about the realm of the dead and plus, if you want to use that it would be incorrect because there is "something" beyond the earth. so that would be inaccurate. thank you for showing that your god if fallible.

3. Blood being life. Really? once again, observable facts. Cut someone, they lose blood, they die. Holy crap...we know about DNA!! No moron, you know that you can't live without your blood.

The rest is the same. your argument fails.
Because clearly rabbits chew cud and two entirely different creation orders were... uhhh...


God said it, so it's so.. Nah.
Here's how I know the Bible is God's word:

About 40 different men wrote the Bible - they all were different ages, lived in different time periods and came from different walks of life. But they all managed to wrote one book whose message is harmonoius the whole way through. Could that ever happen if those writers weren't inspired by God? Definitely not!
Jesus was denied an honest court hearing, do you really think anything has changed?
Sorry to disappoint you. Courts require physical evidence, and the evidence we have is of the spiritual kind which cannot be grasped by the natural mind alone.
Christian logic: God is real because the Bible says so, and the Bible is real because God wrote it.
It would be nice indeed. But what if what is true doesn't come in the form of convincing you would prefer? Then you would need to take a step of faith.
If the Bible is the real-deal, the Word of God, then we have a book that answers the issues of life. Therefore, it is very important to determine IF the Bible is reliable. The Bible is a collection of 66 books (39 Old Testament, 27 New Testament) written over a period of 1500 years by approximately 40 different authors about creation, history, prophecy and Gods plan for all of creation. This fact is a miracle ALL by itself!

How can 40 different authors over a period of 1500 years write a collection of work that doesn't contradict itself?? It can not do this without Divine intervention! Facts and principles such as the earth being round Isaiah 40:22 , earth being suspended in nothing Job 26:7 , valleys in the seas 2 Samuel 22:16 , sanitation Deuteronomy 23:12,13 , quarantine Leviticus 13:45-46 , and blood being the source of life Leviticus 17:11 (DNA) ALL these scientific findings were recorded in the Bible hundreds (sometimes thousands) of years before they were “discovered” by scientists. These are just a few examples, there are many, many more.

Who else but God could have revealed such things that were unknown to man – and yet would later be discovered and confirmed? GOD knew because he created them all! Hundreds of prophecies have been documented! Prophecy is a promise from God of what is to come. Unlike other books and false religions whose predictions have come and gone (and failed) the Bible has never missed. Consider Psalm 22:12-18 which describes the crucifixion of Christ. Now consider that this book was written 1,000 years before Christ was even born, and at least 600 years before crucifixion existed! This is just ONE example regarding Jesus, there are hundreds more.

Google "fulfilled prophecy" There are many ministries, scientists and historians whose work exclusively deals with prophecy. It seems pretty clear at this point that a book written by so many different people over such a period of time containing all of these undiscovered scientific principles and specific predictions about people, places, and events with 100% accuracy could only be the product of something supernatural - God. He tells us in 2 Timothy 3:16 that he is the author. The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in 1947, are an overwhelming source of confirmation. These scrolls contain manuscripts about 1,000 years older than what we previously had... and they all match! It takes a lot more blind faith to ignore the Bible than it does to accept it as divine and reliable. Many intelligent and scholarly skeptics have set out to disprove the Bible and God’s existence only to find overwhelming evidence that God does exist and the Bible is His Word. Jesus says if you seek him honestly He will personally make himself known.
You can't. In theological terms, holy books are regarded as "revealed truths"...... meaning you have faith that they are true.... and faith by definition is belief with no proof.

All holy books are the same.....same dog, different collar.
Becuase it contains at least one true prophecy. At least one.

Jesus predicted the temple would be destroyed in that generation. It was, in 70AD. We know the earliest gospels were written prior to 70 AD and contained the Olivet Discourse (which contained this prophecy).

Of course, there are other prophecies, but this one may be the most specific.
Religion is based almost solely on emotion, not logic. As such there is no evidence. I often wonder what type of evidence (if any) it would take to get them to turn away from it.
it was written by 40 men from 6 dif continents over a period of 1400-1600 years and yet no contradiction! many more then just that