Christians: have you ever convinced a nonbeliever to repent and believe in


New member
Nov 12, 2011
God and his son Jesus Christ? Perhaps you could convince me? I'm willing to listen, but I'm not willing to read a hundred pages of text from some website that you haven't read yourself. If you believe that you can convert me, then please e-mail me and convince me to convert to Christianity. I'm not being smart, and I'm not even looking for a debate, but I'm seriously interested in hearing what you have to say.
Excuse me, but I don't care what you believe about converting nonbelievers. I'm not expecting to become a Christian, but I want to hear your arguments.
We do not convince and convert nonbelievers. The Holy Spirit does. :)
You'll experience it soon.
First of all, we don't convert nobody we tell the Truth of Jesus Christ and He builds the house.
So, if you have wickedness you don't want to lay aside, repent, and so on, the Holy Spirit will reject
any false commitment. Any False Commitment.
So, convincing anyone of anything is useless, except they repent and be baptize and avoid being lukewarm.
"Except the Lord build the Tabernacle they labor in vain."

was working as an Master Electrician, for an Electronic Factory, It was noon, the middle of the day.
I was walking down the middle of an aisle, when the firmament of the heavens, spun into a pillar
and split into a curtain and drew up, revealing Jesus Christ, seated, intently looking at me, as
six others approach HIM, and gathered behind HIM, dressed in "WHITE GOWNS", the Glory of God
all around them, they smiled, and the heavens closed as they had opened."

Excuse me, as I address the so-called atheist, who are really antichrists.

No, God is not dependent on your imagination, He lives forever long ago, and forever more...

The heavens opened at noon at my workplace and I seen Jesus Christ, The Son Of The Living God.

True atheist, don't hang around what they believe NOT to exist, but antichrists do.... See what Albert Einstein, and others really said,
about God.

Excuse me, as I address the antichrists, whose church is described in Revelation chapter 13...
And who is an antichrist? 1st John ch.2:22" Who is a liar but he that denys that Jesus is The Christ?
He is antichrist, that denys The Father and The Son."
An Antichrist = 1st John 4:3 "And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh IS NOT OF GOD: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and EVEN NOW ALREADY IS IT IN THE WORLD."
I have....

it worked..

they went to church and asked God what his reasoning was for his situation.

if u were really me...Ill take the time to inform you
Nobody could convince me either so I read the whole bible myself. Found Christ on my own. Repentance is a lifestyle change forever. Its not just goin up to an alter and repeating a sinners prayer. Once you've done a true repentance and get baptized you do not live in sin anymore.

Check out its all audio. No reading involved. These annointed brothers are very convincing. They speak the truth.
If your this interested you don't need anyone to convince but your self. Get on your knees and pray that you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior. Repent of all of your sins and ask God to show you his will, and you will see a difference in your life! God Bless.
I have planted seeds and witnessed to many! Whether they repent or become saved is up to them/you!