
  1. D

    Name some famous people who your convinced has a screw lose?

    Mine would have to be Trey Parker/Matt stone, Andy Samberg, Sasha Baron Cohen and Johnny Knoxville. So yeah famous people who you find funny for this reason.
  2. H

    Christians: have you ever convinced a nonbeliever to repent and believe in

    God and his son Jesus Christ? Perhaps you could convince me? I'm willing to listen, but I'm not willing to read a hundred pages of text from some website that you haven't read yourself. If you believe that you can convert me, then please e-mail me and convince me to convert to Christianity. I'm...
  3. S

    At what age are children usually convinced to believe in religion's various gods?

    We all know that as babies, all people are atheist by default, but for an older child who is brought up under a religion, how many years does it usually take before they start having "faith"?
  4. K

    Religion has convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky..?

    Religion has convinced people that there's and invisible man living in the sky, who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn't want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of...
  5. S

    Having grown up seeing women convinced by men to wear funny stuff like...

    ...Girdles, stockings and slips can women? kind of understand why its difficult for us to think of them as equals ? I mean it was borderline hilarious watching women get dressed back in the day putting on stuff a guy would never wear! It was clear who wore the pants and who wore the...
  6. W

    I'm convinced my employer is cutting my hours because I spend my paychecks on

    prostitutes, can I sue for this? I've been working for the same company for almost 5 years now. I would consistently get between 25 and 35 hours a week. I get paid every week. Recently I've gotten sort of lonely, so I spend my whole paychecks on prostitutes over the weekend. Somehow my...
  7. L

    Is anyone convinced Hollywood is an Illusion?

    Does anyone else think everything that just about everything that comes from Hollywood, from the "great" music to the awards show are fake and a distraction from the real news?
  8. L

    Is anyone convinced Hollywood is an Illusion?

    Does anyone else think everything that just about everything that comes from Hollywood, from the "great" music to the awards show are fake and a distraction from the real news?
  9. V

    I'm convinced that God has a sense of humour ...?

    ... why else would he author a book so full of lulz? Karl, your vicarious attempts at one-upmanship entertain me :)
  10. B

    A Christian who was a former Atheist? What convinced you?

    Current atheists, need not apply. This is a serious question. We can have fun on some other question. Respect and courtesy, please. This one is for my kid, so watch your mouth. I'll bump you if you try. I'm watching.
  11. S

    Okay.. So Stephen still isnt convinced I'm not a lesbian.?

    What can I do/say to him to convince him otherwise?
  12. J

    Christians, which biblical prophecy convinced Christians to accept Muhammad in

    the 6th. c? We already know many Christians & Jewish men accepted Islam: Palestinian Muslim men are descendants of Jewish men: More than 70% of Jewish men and half of the Arab men whose DNA was studied inherited their Y chromosomes from the same paternal ancestors who lived in the region...
  13. M

    Why are some men convinced that the circumcision of boys is a plot by the

    I do not think it's a plot of any sort. However, I do observe a double-standard of feminism. For example, Oprah - an iconic feminist who influences huge numbers of women (and feminists both male & female) is incredibly deceitful about FGM & MGM. She compares FGM as being a horrible operation...
  14. D

    Christians: Did you have a spiritual experience that convinced you that you were

    in the right religion? If so can you please explain to me about how people in other religions have had a spiritual experience telling them that their in the true religion? I mean every person who is seriously religious wouldn't be in that religion if they weren't 100% positive that it was...
  15. E

    The rap industry has convinced a lot of people that women with curves are beautiful?

    and thought that is true, curvy women are very beautiful, it's come to my attention that some girls who aren't so blessed naturally (or say have the money to enhance their bodies) are made fun of. My sister is 18, 5'6" with some (but little) curves, and she's beautiful. However she's picked on...