Christians: Do you believe this is an appropriate definition for...


New member
Jul 6, 2009
...Bibliolatry (worship of books esp. the Bible)? Definition ONE: Websters Unabridged Dictionary:
Book worship esp. of the Bible---- (a)applied by Roman Catholic divines to the exaltation of the authority of the Bible over that of the Pope or the church (b) by Protestants to an excessive regard to the letter of the scriptures

Alternate Definition:Definition TWO
Thesaurus Dictionary: Worship of the bible
Synonym: Bible-worship
Hypernym: veneration, idolatry, devotion cultism

My issue is with the 1st definition
Callyd they and you actively claim that the word of the bible is inviolate and divine, that is bibliolatry
how typical! i always wondered where the "Bible worship" myth got its origins. now i know. makes sense when you consider the source. so evil is the RCC. come out of her those who worship man instead of God.