Why do catholic & orthodox 'christians' not understand,that they do idolatry


New member
Jan 28, 2011
by 'intercession of saints"? Protestant revolution was not the origin of protestantism.The first protestant church was the apostolic church. (the church depicted in new testament do not pray to "saints" or use statues\images in prayer worship.) Thus it was protestant in essence.

Later in 4th century constantine the roman emperor made christianity the official religion of roman empire.Through the edict of milan and thessalonica and council of nicae what they did was not toleration for christianity,but to create a new fake religion in the name of Jesus,in which they integrated the ancient roman idolatry as the practice of intercession to saints.Many christians at that time were against this.They were known as arian christians who rejected this idolatrous practice of intercession to saints.Most of the germanic people except the franks initially accepted true arian christianity instead of catholicism which was corrupted by idolatry.It was 100s of years after that these groups became catholics.Romans at that time gave special previlages to franks for accepting the corrupted catholic religion.But soon other germanic people goths,vandals conquered Italy spain etc and spread true christianity in those regions.It was the eastern goths(ostrogoths) who founded the nation of Italy as a true arian christian nation.But through the council of nicae roman catholics spread lies about arian christians,claiming that they believed Jesus was a created being and branded them heretics,when in reality they only taught that God the father was superior to son Jesus which is infact 100% biblical.This caused the decline of true christianity.In the same fashion catholics branded other groups as heretics like donatists,manichaens,paulicians,bogomils,cathars,waldensians and finally protestants.

When constantine made christianity the official religion of roman empire, majority in his empire was still pagan and they found it hard to forgo of their old idolatrous practices. So they changed the names of their old idols to "christian" ones and started praying to them . This came to be known as "intercession to saints" and is still practiced by catholic and orthodox "christians".True christians like arian christians,donatists manichaens oppsed this practice,but catholics branded them heretics and massacred them.. Iconoclastic movement of 7th century was against this practice, later protestant revolution (15-16th century) was waged mainly against this practice.

Thus when constantine made christianity the state religion ,idolatry also entered along with it in the unsuspecting name of "intercession to saints".This soon spread to most of the church,because such was the influence of roman empire at that time.But few like followers of mani ~ Manichean's (mani was a 2nd century apostle of jesus whose followers spread from persia to balkans in the west and to china in the east,before falling into oblivion probably because of islamic conquest) remained true to the gospel of christ.

Later they spread to turkey and balkans where they were called paulicians and bogomils respectively.They were behind the iconoclastic movement hich i have mentioned above.Both these groups came under heavy persecution from catholics because they dared to expose the truth of christ to them.Finally they were wiped out by catholic crusaders in 12th century .

But almost simultaneously spirit of god started 2 new christian movem ents in heart of catholicism itself~in italy and france . In italy they were called waldensians and in france they were called cathars .Cathars were wiped out in the 12th centutry by catholic crusaders~a mass murder popularly called as cathar/albinesian crusade (catholic church still take great pride in these crusades) .But italian waldensians continued inspite of severe catholic persecution and they remain to this day .

By 15th century printing was invented and bible became available to masses . They came to know about truth that catholic church was doing idolatry in the name of god . They revolted and it came to be known as protestant revolution and were led by many great leaders like jan hus,jan zizka,martin luther,ulrich zwigli,john calvin,john knox,john wesley and many others .Today protestants number more than 800 million