Christian men, is there anything in the Bible or in your religion that you feel....?

oppressed, demeaned, or challenged by due to the fact that you're male?

There is a lot that women have been frustrated and even hurt by. Church teachings as well as interpretations of Scripture can leave women feeling like they're second class (yes obviously not all women, but many women have felt this way). Is there anything that makes you feel inferior?
Not being called to preach.
I am certified resource person to PNP (national police) and local units.
but in my religion women preachers are not allowed.
The Ang Dating Daan.
I don't question Gods law, that would be doubt, and whatever is of doubt, is not of faith, which is sin.
No, and women should not feel inferior either. Christianity elevated women more so than any other religion. Women played a very important part in the early church. Jesus gave them equal standing unlike Islam, Judaism or any other -ism.