Can you please give me interesting topics to write about on Ancient China?


New member
Apr 26, 2013
I have to write an eight page essay on ancient china. Can you please give me at least 10 topics that will be entertaining yet I can right about? Thanks
10 topics? Ouch! Off the top of my head I can think of a few.

Maro Polo's travels into what is current day China, opened up the west to trade and a huge cultural exchange that left a lasting impression in Europe.

The Chinese were one of the first civilizations to record their own history. They were some of the greatest historians ever keeping well documented historical records in writings.

There's a ton of information of the Great Wall of China and why it was built. One of only a few man-made structures you can see from space.

They were the first known people to use gun powder, develop an alphabet, build ships that may have sailed to the America's before the Vikings, and invented fireworks.

Not sure if this is "Ancient" enough but you can find a lot on China and their problem with foreign invaders; especially the British (see Opium war).

Anyway, that's all I can think of right now. Hope this helps.