Bush & Blair Injure 10 Brits in Covert Turkey Bombing

Bush & Blair Injure 10 Brits in Covert Turkey Bombing

I can tell you're not a fan of Bush or Blair by using their names so specifically
Bush & Blair Injure 10 Brits in Covert Turkey Bombing

What the hell do blair and bush have to do with this? Or are you just scraping the barrell for your flames?
Bush & Blair Injure 10 Brits in Covert Turkey Bombing


Nice job of putting a shocking headline to get viewers for you thread.
Bush & Blair Injure 10 Brits in Covert Turkey Bombing

And apparently very little about history or fact, especially since the PKK has been doing this kind of thing since before GW and Tony Blair were even in politics let alone in office. At the rate it's going, I'm pretty sure their opponents will find a way to blame Bush and Blair for the fall of the Roman Empire, the Dark Ages, and the Black Death before GW is replaced in '08.
Bush & Blair Injure 10 Brits in Covert Turkey Bombing

Well I'm no fan of Bush, and I don't know much about Blair (he seems to be GWB's 'boy') but until it can be tied directly to the US/allied military, I'm not sure you can blame them. They have enough blame already. Bush is like someone who's serving life in prison, he's done so many rotten things already, anymore is just piling on and won't really accomplish anything.
Bush & Blair Injure 10 Brits in Covert Turkey Bombing

Agreed. The PKK has been doing these types of things since before Bush knew Turkey was something besides the main course at Thanksgiving. There is no direct connection.
Bush & Blair Injure 10 Brits in Covert Turkey Bombing

Just for the record, the Bush/Blair thing was intended to be ironical