Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims


Feb 25, 2008
I disagree with avoiding facts to please people. Fact is fact, you have to realise that. It doesn't matter what religion you are.
i am a history teacher and never heard of this. why would the holocaust offend muslims... wouldn't it offend nazis or some crap? lol.

i teach how england, russia, italy and other european countries were all trying different methods to get rid of their "jew problem" which essentialy was a scapegoat for real issues (industrialization, greed, poverty, monopolies etc) just as in america how they blamed society's issues on alcohol (prohibition) and immigrants (especially catholics)

its rather retarded to drop something, rather then to teach it and different perspectives. muslims need to be taught about too... but that doesnt mean you have to exclude jews.

this article sounds fake, or small %, or maybe imbreds are trying to change curriculum so they don't have to talk about jews or muslims...
That is absolute rubbish.

The world is making out that muslims are so fragile that if they get offended, its the end of the world. Who comes up with these things?

What has happened in the past has happened, you cant change it thats life.

Anti-anything is human nature. The past dosent lie, conflict is a normal thing.
I can assure you that they are pleasing a very very small minority of a minority (in England anyway). Muslims in general are not offended by the teaching of the holocust and see it as a nesseccary (I can never spell that word) part of history that has to be taught.
It seems to be less about not offending muslims and more about avoiding conflict between different religious groups. I think its misguided, but not as misguided as the Daily Mails reporting of it.
I thought you enjoyed reading Holocaust denial websites Rags? Those, "Hitler was fab for Germany" articles you posted for example?

Which will it be?

Just seeing what people would say.

You know me. No agenda. Just reading to learn.
who cares if it offends them, it is part of history, the topic of slavery offends people so should we not discuss the injustices of it because it will offend a certain sec of people? hell no
but the point is practically no one would be offended by it. Thats why it is a bad article. If anything the teaching of it will have been dropped to avoid offence to non muslims caused by the beliefs of muslim students. So really the title of this thread is completely wrong.