Boyfriend always 'jokes' about me seeing other people?


Jun 5, 2008
My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 6 years. He got a job about a year ago and we moved a few states away from our hometown.
We have only made a hand full of friends so far and rarely go out without one another. but anytime I actually do go to the store,go shopping, to class or go ANYWHERE without him he 'jokingly' accuses me of 'going to see my boyfriend'. It has gotten so bad that I brought it up and asked him to ease up because I'm not seeing anyone else and the 'joke' is getting old. Well if anything it has gotten more frequent. I cant even be on my computer without him asking who I am talking to but he always says it in a joking tone so I don't know how to take it.
I do it too sometimes mainly when he is up working late and def not on a daily basis like him, he works from home so he is usually here in his office. So if he is being unfaithful it is only online.
Should I be worried? He hardly ever goes anywhere without me but I had a cheating boyfriend who used to aggressively accuse me of cheating all the time when he was the one being unfaithful. I thought maybe being less reactive when he says something would help but it doesn't.
How can I make him stop? It kinda hurts my feelings and the frequency of it is making me suspicious. I think it is more of him just being insecure but I really don't know