Birth control or Hysterectomy?


May 14, 2008
I used to have very painful periods and heavy bleeding, so July 2010 when I was 26 my doctor did a Endometrial Ablation procedure on me. it had completely stopped my periods and taken the pain away, up until about 7 months ago. I started having cramps again, but no blood, and they just keep getting worse. Now i'm dealing with pain and bleeding during intercourse. I just recently had an ultrasound done and found out I have an ovarian cyst. My doctor has told me I really only have two options... 1; try birth control for a few months and see if that helps, or 2; a hysterectomy. What i'm concerned about is that I have taken 4 types of birth control in the past and have always had really bad side effects from them, such as hair loss, weight gain, nausea, bone loss,.and in one case pelvic pain. I really don't want to have to worry about gaining weight since I have worked so hard the last year to lose weight, and my hair is already so thin and I lose so much daily already, i'm really having a hard time figuring out if the birth control pros out way the cons, especially if its not even guaranteed to work. Could someone please give me some advice!