
  1. T

    After Hysterectomy, Estrogen Helps Keep Joint Pain At Bay

    Estrogen therapy can help keep joint pain at bay after menopause for women who have had a hysterectomy. Joint pain was modestly, but significantly, lower in women who took estrogen alone than in women who took placebo in the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) trial. The findings were published...
  2. M

    Birth control or Hysterectomy?

    I used to have very painful periods and heavy bleeding, so July 2010 when I was 26 my doctor did a Endometrial Ablation procedure on me. it had completely stopped my periods and taken the pain away, up until about 7 months ago. I started having cramps again, but no blood, and they just keep...
  3. T

    Hysterectomy In Germany

    Hysterectomy elevates the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease in young women when combined with the removal of both ovaries in the same operation. This fact provides the background for the epidemiological report by Andreas Stang and colleagues on hysterectomy rates in Germany, which...
  4. C

    virginia pain but had hysterectomy?

    everything taken away but getting a really bad pain i had my hysterectomy 4 years ago i had this done. but getting a really bad pain it feels like someone is stabbing it :S
  5. T

    Questioning The Benefits Of Elective Removal Of Ovaries During Hysterectomy: Evidence

    Removal of the ovaries (bilateral oophorectomy) while performing a hysterectomy is common practice to prevent the subsequent development of ovarian cancer. This prophylactic procedure is performed in 55 percent of all US women having a hysterectomy, or approximately 300,000 times each year. An...
  6. T

    Questioning The Benefits Of Elective Removal Of Ovaries During Hysterectomy: Evidence

    Removal of the ovaries (bilateral oophorectomy) while performing a hysterectomy is common practice to prevent the subsequent development of ovarian cancer. This prophylactic procedure is performed in 55 percent of all US women having a hysterectomy, or approximately 300,000 times each year. An...
  7. T

    Questioning The Benefits Of Elective Removal Of Ovaries During Hysterectomy: Evidence

    Removal of the ovaries (bilateral oophorectomy) while performing a hysterectomy is common practice to prevent the subsequent development of ovarian cancer. This prophylactic procedure is performed in 55 percent of all US women having a hysterectomy, or approximately 300,000 times each year. An...
  8. T

    Hormone-Release IUD Better Than Hysterectomy For Many Women

    A new study from Finland shows that women who have used a hormone-releasing intra-uterine device fared better than those who had undergone a hysterectomy, indicating the potential to reduce the number of these invasive - and often distressing - operations. The randomized study of 239 women aged...
  9. A

    How do you know if you need a hysterectomy?

    I feel like my stomach is sitting on my lap. I cant bend as good as I used to and I am so tired all of the time. I havent been to the Gyn. in a while. I did have a stomach scan which revealed a cyst on one of my ovaries. Anybody ever had these symptoms?
  10. S

    vaginal hysterectomy?

    i am scheduled to have a vh in 6 weeks and am and am terrified of the whole embarresment of being exposed on a table like that i cannon think of anything else and to top it of i am ion ptu for hyperthyroidism i am a wreck has anyone else been as emtional and terrified and if so how did you...
  11. B

    I just had a hysterectomy, laproscopically;dr. found a gallstone under my

    uterus; is this common? My gall bladder was removed in 1994.
  12. H

    Is it safe for someone who has had a hysterectomy to take maternity vitamins?

    i heard that taking maternity vitamins helps to make hair grow and nails stronger but is it safe for someone with no uterus to take them? i have my ovaries still...