Best 'after gym' supplement to use?


New member
Oct 25, 2008
I've been going to gym 3-5 times a week for about the last 2 years, but only started having a supplement/protein shake since October last year (because i didn't really go gym to get 'big' i went simply from a fitness point of view, but now want to start actually building muscle) Anyway, ive been using Balance: Original mass - Gainer Protein, which has a fairly even amount of carbs and protein. I'm nearly 19, 6'1'' and weigh 62 kg last time I checked (week or 2 ago) I just want advice weather this is the right supplement for me, i want to gain weight but at the same time get definition, in my legs and lats for example. So should i continue using this one, or move onto something else??

I'm in Australia, so please recommend supplements i can get here, over the counter. I don't wanna order anything online :) Thanks again :)