
  1. V

    Im 17 should I take a testosterone supplement from GNC?

    Please help i want to add bigger muscle mass on me will testosterone help?
  2. M

    what is the best bodybuilding supplement for petite.?

    im a guy
  3. T

    Food Supplement CoQ10 Cuts Death Rates Among Heart Failure Patients

    Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) cuts mortality by half in patients with heart failure, researchers from Denmark reported at the annual meeting of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology, which took place in Lisbon, Portugal this year. Professor Svend Aage Mortensen and team...
  4. T

    Children With Heart Defects May Benefit From Carnitine Supplement

    A common nutritional supplement may be part of the magic in improving the survival rates of babies born with heart defects, researchers report. Carnitine, a compound that helps transport fat inside the cell powerhouse where it can be used for energy production, is currently used for purposes...
  5. T

    Carnitine Supplement May Improve Survival Rates Of Children With Heart Defects

    A common nutritional supplement may be part of the magic in improving the survival rates of babies born with heart defects, researchers report. Carnitine, a compound that helps transport fat inside the cell powerhouse where it can be used for energy production, is currently used for purposes...
  6. J

    What is the best pre-workout supplement for women?

    So I have been taking a pre-workout supplement for about two years now and my wife she really wants to start taking a pre-workout supplement drink but she does not want to take one for females and also because they work so good. So my question is what is the best pre-workout supplement for women...
  7. S

    What is the best fat burning supplement to buy from GNC?

    I'm looking for a supplement to help burn fat and loose weight. I'm aware that I also need to work out and exercise regularly, but is there anything from GNC that will help? I'm a 17 year old female, 5 '3", and I weight about 152 lbs. I'm looking to get down to about 135. Is there any supplement...
  8. S

    Best 'after gym' supplement to use?

    I've been going to gym 3-5 times a week for about the last 2 years, but only started having a supplement/protein shake since October last year (because i didn't really go gym to get 'big' i went simply from a fitness point of view, but now want to start actually building muscle) Anyway, ive been...
  9. S

    Nutrition supplement and vitamens questions?

    Well im taking a nutrition class in college and have recently become interested in vitamins and supplements which improve heath. Well some background information, i am a very healthy 6ft 2" male, have no healthy issues what so every and am very active. Alright now to the question, well i did...
  10. A

    Is my supplement stack good?

    So I'm stacking bpi build HD, bpi b4, ON soy protein powder, green tea extract, and then bpi amino energy during my workout. How do these look together? Anything I should remove? Add?
  11. E

    GNC ripped vitapacks a supplement?

    Hey, so i bought the gnc ripped vitapacks b/c a friend recommended them to me for endurance and help with weight loss. Im wondering if only take these whenever i work out, or everyday as a supplement? Also, im not much of a muscle head, are these for muscle build or can i just do my cardio and...
  12. R

    Do ectomorph (genetically slim) men essentially need supplement in order...

    ...bulkup through weightlifting? I mean, is it highly necessary for the ectomorph men to take protein or other types of supplement just to gain adequate muscle mass? Is just weightlifting not enough?
  13. M

    what is your favorite pre workout supplement for bodybuilding?

    i have just ordered soime driven sports craze because i have heard good things. i also heard that jack 3d was good but since the stimulant that they used in it was banned it is not much good anymore
  14. A

    Supplement Showdown: Which Fish Oil Brand Is Best?

    Are all fish oil supplements created equal? Certainly not. Different brands contain differing amounts of omega-3s, the essential fatty acids that give fish oil its power. They're made from different types of fish (sardines and anchovies are best, though herring, tuna or salmon will also do) from...
  15. C

    why did bodybuilding magazines turn into supplement catalogues?

    I mean really? Every other page is an advertisement for a product you buy at a health food supplement store or gnc. Most of the magazine is just ads and pictures of muscular men posing also and features few women anymore, why is that too? They used to have a lot of stories, articles, features...
  16. R

    Do ectomorph (genetically slim) men essentially need supplement in order

    bulkup through weightlifting? I mean, is it highly necessary for the ectomorph men to take protein or other types of supplement just to gain adequate muscle mass? Is just weightlifting not enough?
  17. T

    Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors Reduced By Soy-Based S-equol Supplement

    A 12-week treatment of the fermented soy germ-based nutritional supplement containing S-equol significantly lowered hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), LDL cholesterol and improved vascular stiffness, all factors that occur as part of metabolic syndrome, according to a first-of-its-kind peer-reviewed study...
  18. F

    I need some fitness nutrition supplement advice.?

    I'll try to make this short. I'm entering a 12 week bodybuilding contest that is more or less for out of shape people, the winner is judged by their routine and amount of improvement. I'm very out of shape and I start my 12 weeks at the end of January. But any way I go to this con artist of a...
  19. T

    L-arginine: Supplement Tested On Fit, Athletic Men Shows No Advantage

    One of the most recent, popular supplements for athletes looking to boost performance comes in the form of a naturally-occurring amino acid called L-arginine. The reason for its popularity is twofold says Scott Forbes, a doctoral student in exercise physiology. "First, L-arginine is a precursor...
  20. T

    GNC muscle supplement?

    Okay so I'm 17 and am starting to lift weights. I've noticed other kids in my weight lifting class are taking supplements to build muscle. I am wondering what I should take, like from gnc or something... I ve never takin anything before and I don't know what I should really take. Any ideas...