Bake It ‘Til You Make It: Vegan Chocolate Oatmeal Scones Your Kids Won’t Know Are (So


Jun 17, 2007
If your kids were anything like me as a little girl, chances are they won’t be eating much this Thanksgiving. As a young woman who still can’t stand her foods to touch on a plate and with the palate of five-year-old, I often sympathize with children who sit down to flavorful meals and wrinkle their noses. Like a lot of kids, I liked simple flavors in such childhood cornerstones like spaghetti and butter, bread with nothing on it, carrot sticks, and simple vanilla cake. Anything outside that realm was icky and pushed to the side of the dinner table. So if you’d like to prepare a special, simple dessert for your tots, I recommend these oatmeal scones. The cinnamon makes them very conducive to fall and there’s not that much sugar compared to the pumpkin pie or spice cake you’ll no doubt be whipping together. If your kids are allergic to dairy or eggs, these scones are also a winner. More »Post from: Blisstree