
  1. A

    We Met Nelly: He Likes Oatmeal & Can’t Keep On Weight

    Last night, Sam and I attended an event involving Nelly, Mike and Ike candy and a lot of creative use of strawberries. Ostensibly, it was to celebrate "the reunion of Mike and Ike," a pair of musicians and friends who had split over artistic differences but were coming together once again. Mike...
  2. K

    is Quacker quick cooking oatmeal bad?

    I was just reading bout which foods are refined and instant oatmeal was there and i am trying to avoid refined food is Quacker bad i don't feel that it has so much sugar or anything it is not sweet at all and i just brought like 4 packages of it is it bad????
  3. A

    Bake It ‘Til You Make It: Vegan Chocolate Oatmeal Scones Your Kids Won’t Know Are (So

    If your kids were anything like me as a little girl, chances are they won’t be eating much this Thanksgiving. As a young woman who still can’t stand her foods to touch on a plate and with the palate of five-year-old, I often sympathize with children who sit down to flavorful meals and wrinkle...
  4. P

    Any quick, easy and delicious savoury oatmeal recipes?

    I don't really like oatmeal with cream. I want to eat something salty What kind of recipes would you recommend
  5. I

    I dropped my itouch 4th gen in oatmeal, how can I fix it?

    I only got about an inch from the bottom (I know it sounds stupid) and it got in the place where you put the charger, headphones, and the sound grid. :( what do I do? Will putting it in rice help?
  6. H

    do you have to use quick cooking oat meal to make oatmeal cookes or can you just

    use any kind of oat meal? and how do you know if its a quick cooking kind cuz i was just gonna use the regular quaker oat meal
  7. H

    do you have to use quick cooking oat meal to make oatmeal cookes or can you just

    use any kind of oat meal? and how do you know if its a quick cooking kind cuz i was just gonna use the regular quaker oat meal
  8. H

    do you have to use quick cooking oat meal to make oatmeal cookes or can you just

    use any kind of oat meal? and how do you know if its a quick cooking kind cuz i was just gonna use the regular quaker oat meal
  9. H

    do you have to use quick cooking oat meal to make oatmeal cookes or can you just

    use any kind of oat meal? and how do you know if its a quick cooking kind cuz i was just gonna use the regular quaker oat meal
  10. A

    Food Michael Pollan Would Eat? Better Oats Instant Oatmeal

    Better Oats™ makes instant oatmeal we like, and we bet Michael Pollan would like it, too.Normally, we’d hesitate to recommend something that comes pre-packaged, and whose title includes the word “instant”. Why? One of the easiest and most popular rules of eating well is pretty simple: Don’t eat...
  11. N

    My baby has gotten very gassy after introducing her to baby oatmeal. Is this...

    ...normal and what can I do to help? My daughter is 4 mos old and my dr said I should start introducing her to baby oatmeal once a day. I started with 1 tbsp cereal to 4 tbsp breast milk. I am using Gerber Organic baby oatmeal. She has had smelly gas since and will wake up for a feeding...
  12. J

    how do i cook oatmeal really fast?

    I don't want to microwave it. I don't know what oatmeal is for. what are you looking for in oatmeal and how do you get it really fast without sacrificing anything can i just throw oats into boiling water and gobble that real quick? or are there important things to add? I've heard that adding...
  13. E

    Does anyone know this recipe? Oatmeal and pineapple juice...?

    My grandmother use to make this. It was uncooked oatmeal with pineapple juice and something I can't remember. She mixed it up and left it in the fridge overnight. It sounds strange, but was pretty good. I've tried making it, but it's just not the same. Does anyone know the missing ingredient?
  14. M

    instant or cooking oatmeal?

    1. which is healthier? 2. what's the difference between these two?
  15. 3

    Is eating a lot of oatmeal healthy?

    lately i've been eating a lot of oatmeal (the Quaker Oats old fashioned kind) for breakfast and as a snack too because, well, it tastes really good to me lol. But if you eat a lot of oatmeal, is it fattening and unhealthy?
  16. D

    Is oatmeal bran a healthy breakfast food?

    Or not, what are some healthy breakfast foods? That could help ease hunger. Also I'm 15 in highschool, what healthy snacks could I bring to class that would hold me over?
  17. S

    Is drinking carrot juice after eating oatmeal for breakfeast healthy?

    Or will it attritubute to weight gain due to the glicymic scale...? Oatmeal is supposed to digest slower but carrot juice would digest faster, right?
  18. V

    The healthiest way to eat oatmeal? What to add to make it more nutritional...

    ...and more digestible? Hello everyone. I am really confused with all the ideas, suggestions and recipes considering oatmeal. I have read that it is good to add nuts, fresh fruits and dried fruits to oatmeal. I have heard that it is extremely healthy to eat oatmeal together with fresh orange...
  19. A

    is it healthy to eat playdoh made out of water, flower and Oatmeal, uncooked?

    flour* (& yes, they taste great together) & i made it at home a few minuts ago.
  20. J

    What's the difference between instant oatmeal and old fashion oats (based on

    nutrition)? I know they're both whole grain. Does instant have more fat? More sugar?