B&A: What would be an interesting family curse?


New member
Mar 7, 2011
For five hundred years, the women of the De Luca family have been cursed...but with what?
I need some ideas for a family curse. I was thinking that once they turn 18, they descend into insanity and eventually kill themselves. But do you have any other suggestions?
Thanks :)
~For the whole, "having kids if they died at 18" thing, I was thinking that they all knew about the curse so they would have children before they turned 18, but the Main Character is adopted -her mother thought if she put her up for adoption that the curse would end- so she doesn't know what's going to happen.
I like your idea...lol..that's cool. Maybe instead of killing themselves though they just kill people who havebetrayed then em harm in any way...or they kill eachothers in laws..or eachothers boyfriends or husbands... or maybe their appearance changes to the oppisite of whatever it is..ugly would be bautiful, beautiful would be hidiously ugly etc...