
  1. M

    B&A: Some advice please: is this realistic enough?

    I've started my third re-write of my novel and I'm following the basic line of the second re-write, because I'm not planning to change the storyline at the moment (I'm very happy with the direction) but I'm just adding more description, making things clearer for the reader, etc. However, I've...
  2. D

    B&A: Do you prefer reading or writing? (+BQ!)?

    BQ: Are you supposed to be sleeping?
  3. G

    B&A - Have you ever finished a book? (BQs)?

    1 - How long did it take? 2 - What did you do with it once it was finished? (Did you show it to anyone? Get it published? Hide it away? ect..) 3 - How many words? ( I feel like I'm never going to finish the project I'm working on D= I've only ever finished one novela before and it was absolute...
  4. K

    B&A: Help me with writing a 'confession'?

    argh, I know it's my story, but I'm totally stuck. Ok, this girl is pretending to be a guy's girlfriend so he won't be caught by the sexiest and evilest girl in the school, who has her eye on him. So the girl has to tell a story to the evil one about how her 'boyfriend' asked her to be his...
  5. K

    B&A: Help me with writing a 'confession'?

    argh, I know it's my story, but I'm totally stuck. Ok, this girl is pretending to be a guy's girlfriend so he won't be caught by the sexiest and evilest girl in the school, who has her eye on him. So the girl has to tell a story to the evil one about how her 'boyfriend' asked her to be his...
  6. M

    B&A: Shall we play a dialogue scavenger hunt? +BQ's, of course?

    Hello, B&Aers! This is a little dialogue scavenger hunt. Basically, I'll ask you to find a spoken line in *your* story which fits the criteria-whatsit below. Find for me: 1) A line of dialogue in which a character introduces him/herself. 2) A passage of dialogue (more than one line) with two...
  7. K

    B&A: Where is your favorite place to write?

    I found an amazing place the other day. About a week ago, I sort of had, well, a mental breakdown (to put it nicely) and...ran away. I don't think I knew where I was going, I just need to get out of there. Long-story short, I found an abandoned tree house by a little creek. By then I was far...
  8. D

    B&A: Need Some Critique. Please Help Me Out?

    Hello! Ok, so here's a scene in my story that I would LOVE some critique on. It's a fairly big scene but I'm scared it doesn't come across all that great. I haven't written in a while because I'd had other stuff to do so yeah. Critique please? Oh and Ryan IS A GIRL! The heat from the...
  9. K

    B&A: How would describe the blonde’s appearance?
  10. L

    B&A: What do you think of this beginning?

    What do you think of this beginning for my novel? Does it hook you in and capture your attention? Any thoughts, comments, or critiques? The halls were bustling. She hated this; hated the pounding of footsteps on the tile floor, hated the slamming of locker doors, hated the perturbed...
  11. K

    B&A: Which pen name do you prefer?

    Indi Skye got me nervous about this, haha! Check out her question, kay? Anyway, my pen name is "K.M. Lindsay" But if I wrote my real name, it would be "Katya Lindsay" (Katya is pronounced cat-ee-ya) What do you think? Which one?
  12. S

    B&A: What would be an interesting family curse?

    For five hundred years, the women of the De Luca family have been cursed...but with what? I need some ideas for a family curse. I was thinking that once they turn 18, they descend into insanity and eventually kill themselves. But do you have any other suggestions? Thanks :) ~For the whole...
  13. S

    B&A: What would be an interesting family curse?

    For five hundred years, the women of the De Luca family have been cursed...but with what? I need some ideas for a family curse. I was thinking that once they turn 18, they descend into insanity and eventually kill themselves. But do you have any other suggestions? Thanks :) ~For the whole...
  14. D

    B&A: What's an MC in a book?

    I've seen the term being used to refer to book characters. What does MC stand for?
  15. M

    B&A writers: A few questions about your character?

    ---How superstitious is your character? ---Would your character rather find true love or a million dollars? ---What is the last food your character ate? ---Does he/she have any pets? ---How often does your character? *How often does your character wallow in self-pity?
  16. M

    B&A: ---Does this sound a little weird?

    "Staring blankly ahead, I attempted to keep my composure when I heard a knock at my door. Dad was here – he had to be. No doubt the cops had called him by now and told him what I’ve done. Usually the consequences for things like this seemed brutally severe when first delivered, but in a few...
  17. B

    B&A writers: Your character is riding with you on the bus to school. What do you do?

    B&A writers: Your character is riding with you on the bus to school. What do you do? 1) What would you both talk about? 2) The bus broke down. What does (s)he do? 3) You both finally get to school, and you character has the death timetable. What would it be? 4) It's after school sport...
  18. T

    B&A: Feedback on the title of my book & description? 10 pts!?

    Heres a few titles that I want to choose... or if you have a better one please list! Blood, Lies and Lust Kill or Be Killed After fighting with her parents one night, Amiela returns home to find her family dead. She doesn't know who did it or why, but she promises herself revenge. She becomes...
  19. K

    B&A: Does this make sense to you?

    'You know what needs to be done.' I touched the hilt of my dagger as I spoke. 'In some corner of your genius mind, you know what deed needs to be performed. ' He said nothing, just watched the little candle that illuminated the room. The tiny flame seemed to intrigue him, fixate him. It cast...
  20. K

    B&A: Should I just...give up on writing? (apologies for the length)?

    So I just got ANOTHER hate mail from some user, saying how my writing sucks and that I shouldn't even try anymore. And usually that doesn't really effect me too much - it hurts a little, but I can't let things like that get in the way. They're probably just a troll anyway and haven't even read...