B&A Regulars/Writers: What's the weirdest greeting you have ever received?


New member
Oct 10, 2010
Okay, so a weird girl is greeting my 2 main character's..What should she say?
I was thinking...
What do you think? And or what was the weirdest greeting you ever received?

1.How does your latest piece compare with your life?
2.Does your reading/writing impact your life in a way? How?
Happy writing/reading:)
Damn! I cant find another word for friends? Help?
Wassail, compatriots.

(Yes, someone has really said that to me!)

BQ: Not at all, thank God!

BQ2: It impacts my life in countless ways - it takes up my time, it affects my mood, I am often preoccupied with my thoughts. I am also much more educated because of it, from researching so many varied subjects, and I have formed opinions on things I wouldn't really have thought about without tackling them in my writing. Writing also gives me a great deal of satisfaction and a sense of purpose.
I've heard "Good morning" over the phone at 11:59 at night. "Salutations" is a good words; perhaps use a synonym for "friends".

BQ1: It (thankfully) bears little semblance to my life.
BQ2: I've made a lot of good friends, especially here in B&A.
I had a really weird friend who seemed to think coming up to me and grabbing my boobs was an appropriate way to say hello. She was a straight girl too....

1. Parts of my current novel are influenced by my own experiences, but they're not exactly the same.
2. Yes. Whenever I'm going through something emotionally draining or difficult, I say to myself "It's research. Now I know how this character would feel if they went through the same thing."

Happy reading/writing to you too!
Well, it depends what you mean by greeting. My main character was knocked unconscious by the evil group in the story.

1. Well, my character is lost and alone. It could symbolize me not having any support; looking out for myself.
2. Yes, my reading and writing does impact me. Books like Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings are sadly some of the few happy memories of my childhood. Without writing, I would probably kill myself. I'm very depressed right now, and writing is my only escape.

You could say, "Greetings, mates!"
I say this all the time :X





BQ1: I totally fashioned the main character's friend from my 9 near old self

BQ2: Reading/writing makes me more insightful, knowledgeable about things I wouldn't know, otherwise. Storytelling helps me bring my thoughts and dreams to life and helps me communicate my views about the short time we have on earth that we call "life"