ATHEISTS, with the oncoming global economic collapse, how do you not see it as

Maybe we'll all blow the hell out of each other and then not have to worry about any economy, and just the post-collapse effects.
Because I fully understand that the prophets were writing about themselves, and their time---and the concerns that they had in their culture.

And as well I fully accept that what the bible has to say is not all about me, me, me.

You apparently have missed that.

Further, when folks come up with this idea, like you have, they have done so by cherry picking a phrase or two, and then say, "aha, see?????????? the Bybull says right here that.................."

Get an education, honey.

And read the bible for what it is... the folk lore of a group of bronze age goat herders, who, believe it or not, had no clue that you, or the nations that exist today, would ever be here..... that was 2500-3000 years ago.....

And the world still isn't about you, you, you.
It doesn't say there will be a global economic collapse in the bible. But for the sake of this, lets say it does. There is no way on earth that this is some "fulfilled prophecy" because of two simple ideas. The first idea being, people run out of money. Product stops becoming desired, people cut back on spending, which means the economy doesn't get the money anymore so of course, its going to stop. Just like if you got a pay cut at work, you wouldn't be spending a lot of money because you don't have very much, its the same concept. Second, there is no oncoming global economic collapse. But, for the sake of argument, which this whole quest is about, let's say there is. Everyone in the world has made it through major economic depressions and have made it through it, what would make this one any different. There's a billboard that I like, you may want to try to look up a picture of it, it reads; "Recession: Just a test, not a final." Or something similar to those lines and it is very true. Besides, if you were a true believer of god, why would you question the ways and rulings of man and compare them to the almighty. Think about that.
everyone man who has ever said the end was near was 100% wrong. but im sure you're right. you seem special. special ed.