Atheists: Do you respect other peoples religion, insult them, or try so...


New member
Jun 4, 2010
...hard to make them not believe? Personally i dont tell plp what to belive in. just listen. but i dont blindly follow their way. its nice to know everyones way stay educated heh :)

or just dont talk of religion
I dont care what nonsense people choose to believe in. It is only when they try to legislate their mythology or supplant science with magic that I have a problem.

Well that and murder, subjugation, and infant genital mutilation.
I respect them in a sarcastic, borderline insulting way, if that even makes sense.

Ridicule is a very good teacher I think.
I love talking about faith and religion and spirituality. I particularly enjoy talking about it from the experiential stand point, because once you cut through morass of doctrine and dogma, the experience of faith and spirituality is pretty similar in all faiths.

I don't want people not to believe, and I don't try to convince them away from their faith. Where I do try to persuade is to convince people not to use their faith as a bludgeon to beat others over the head with, and to refrain from trying to pass their religious beliefs off as civil law.
There are other choices. I do not respect religious beliefs, but generally mind my own business, unless I am asked about my beliefs, or am preached to. I count answering questions, here as being asked.


John Popelish
I'm gay and I want to marry a guy

would religious people respect that? would they not try to make some noise and interfere on the laws?

I strongly doubt it.
I don't agree with religion in the slightest, that's far from saying I'd be offensive towards people who are religious, each to their own. As long as they don't impose anything by justifying it with what they believe. Theists seem to think the status of being 'religious' is a free pass to do whatever they want without question.

'You can't disagree with me, I have faith!'

sorry but F off.
sometimes i go off the rails if they get all preachy on me. otherwise i just let them carry on :)

It depends on your definition of respect. I keep my opinions to myself, but I find it hard to stomach this principle that we should hold a special respect for other people's religion. It's quite acceptable to argue about football or politics etc; why not religion? That is the idiocy that has kept religions powerful for so long, the mentality that we should accept what they say and not question it. Scientists aren't happy with ignorance, they chip away at something they don;t know about until they find an answer. That kind of mentality is what terrifies religions, because if people found out the truth (ie that religions are nothing but an assortment of scams, money making organizations, and control freaks) then the whole 2 dimensional illusion would come crashing down. Yes, I keep myself to myself, but woe betide any religious person who tries to impart their drivel on me
I try not to talk to them. I have no respect for their beliefs in such utter nonsense.

It's hard to respect adults who cling to childish, primitive, superstitious, bronze age ideas.

This notion of entitlement that they have, that a religious belief is somehow inviolable and cannot be questioned is absurd and the epitome of arrogance.

No one who thinks like that deserves respect.