
  1. M

    Why do One Piece and Naruto fanboys always insult each other?

    Bleach fanboys and Fairy tale fanboys don't anymore, but you always see one piece and naruto fanboys bashing other anime. What's the point in doing that? it's not like it'll change anything
  2. W

    Does an indian takes it as an insult to be greeted with "salam alaikum" + BQ?

    Does an indian takes it as an insult to be greeted with "salam alaikum" + BQ? ..and in reverse does an pakistani takes it as an insult to be greeted with "namaste" ? I know the relationship to one another country is not the best - does it affect the citizens very much? I´m asking because the...
  3. B

    Can someone say anything in a joking jest to insult someone and make it appear

    true to others? So don't you think it is wise for a person to not hang with,like, or trust a person who always does this to you? I mean there are jokes to a person and jokes made about a person to his friends in front of you and although they may not be that bad or specificall y directed at...
  4. TeddyLewis

    Is this sesame street comment a compliment or insult? lol?

    So today in class, I had to make a presentation and after class this girl said, "I love your voice, you sound like a character from Sesame Street." I just smiled and said thanks but I was thinking to myself, "From sesame street?, I don't want to sound like a cartoon character!" One of my...
  5. O

    As christians see Jesus as God isn't it an insult to God .As Jesus failed to... what he was send for? and given second chance in the end to do his duty ,which is to spread the message of God Christianity is the most confused religion with over 40 writers .why God would come down and introuduce the worst way to spread any authentic message compare to judaism or even...
  6. Y

    Why is it that the ones that rant and insult others on here.?

    Put blocks on the community members who they are ranting/insulting and accusing others of stealing their answers.Like the one who as put the block on in the first place "owns that answer" No one owns any answer to any questions.Like other contacts of the blocked are not going to tell you so and...
  7. R

    Is it not a bit unchristian of the Christians here who constantly insult

    and judge others based o sexual/reli? ous preferences? Some Christians here even mock other Christian groups, example- constant insulting of Catholics Would Jesus be happy about that?
  8. M

    Are most regular people JEALOUS of celebrities? Because they insult them all?

    the time. I think Kim Kardasian is beautiful beyond belief. And if she read some of the trash that is said about her she would be crying all the time. I hope these celebrities do NOT read the false things that are said. Just chalk it up to.."that is the way some people roll." You would have to...
  9. D

    For the first time I just laughed at an insult from a Christian, am I going insane?

    You are officially, no longer a troll :-)
  10. M

    Don't you consider piercings an insult to Christ?

    I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and we are taught that piercings are only to be on a woman and should only be one pair and it should be the ears. I don't get why people have a problem with how we believe on that. Think about it carefully. Christ was nailed on the...
  11. G

    Isn't it funny how conservatives try to use "bleeding heart liberal" as an insult?

    Isn't it funny how conservatives try to use "bleeding heart liberal" as an insult? I'd proudly wear "bleeding heart liberal" over "ignorant racist conservative" any day.
  12. T

    Where online can I watch the family guy episode adding insult to interesting?

    I cant find info on it anywhere
  13. F

    poll: what's your favourite insult?

    mine are: 'you worthless, vomitous mass' 'mindless nincompoop' 'complete and utter imbecile' ... :)
  14. M

    do you find it funny when people insult you online but they spell it wrong?

    for example, "fuk of haterz ur jus jelous!" LOL. I just can't take people like that seriously...
  15. C

    Why did he insult my cooking?

    I have my boyfriend over on the weekends, and quite often I make it from scratch cutting up veggies and meat and pasta etc instead of a processed meal. I know that he prefers real food like me but the other night he was joking around about something to do with..well vomit...and then he looked...
  16. W

    POLL: Does it make you laugh when people try to insult you but?

    their insult is so not true that they look like idiots calling you that like, if you're obviously hot and someones like, "you're ugly!" and they're totally serious and you're just like, "...really?..."
  17. A

    Atheists: Do you respect other peoples religion, insult them, or try so...

    ...hard to make them not believe? Personally i dont tell plp what to belive in. just listen. but i dont blindly follow their way. its nice to know everyones way stay educated heh :) or just dont talk of religion
  18. $

    Dont you think its insult calling Kaval aka Low Ki a Rookie?

    i think so, i mean the guy has payed his dues, hes got more talent than most of the WWE locker room. what do you think? plus it annoyed me that Cena said on twitter about kaval saying, "there might be something there". There IS something there, and hes been wrestling longer than cena has. and i...
  19. $

    Dont you think its insult calling Kaval aka Low Ki a Rookie?

    i think so, i mean the guy has payed his dues, hes got more talent than most of the WWE locker room. what do you think? plus it annoyed me that Cena said on twitter about kaval saying, "there might be something there". There IS something there, and hes been wrestling longer than cena has. and i...
  20. A

    How can I learn how to argue really well and insult people who talk down

    to other people? About 6 months ago I started an entry in my private online diary called "The Arsenal of Insults", and created a list of tactics to use when you are arguing with someone and clever and unique ways to insult people who deserve it. I try to add new insults to it every week, so far...