Are we Americans becoming thin skinned pansies - where is you sense of humor


Feb 17, 2008

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Rush Limbaugh's imitation of the Chinese language during a recent speech made by Chinese President Hu Jintao has stirred a backlash among Asian-American lawmakers in California and nationally.

California state Sen. Leland Yee, a Democrat from San Francisco, is leading a fight in demanding an apology from the radio talk show host for what he and others view as racist and derogatory remarks against the Chinese people.

In recent days, the state lawmaker has rallied civil rights groups in a boycott of companies like Pro Flowers, Sleep Train and Domino's Pizza that advertise on Limbaugh's national talk radio show.

"The comments that he made - the mimicking of the Chinese language - harkens back to when I was a little boy growing up in San Francisco and those were hard days, rather insensitive days," Yee said in an interview Thursday. "You think you've arrived and all of a sudden get shot back to the reality that you're a second-class citizen."

LIBERALS make fun of rednecks and southern accents all the time. SO WHAT? Why are we as a nation letting liberals make us go soft. Sticks and Stones liberals....names shouldn't hurt you.
I only report questions that children on this site should not see. I NEVER report fools. Leave those questions up so people can laugh at them is my thought on that.
As a Christian conservative, I do NOT WANT Asians voting for my beloved Republican Party.

Chinese and other Asians vote Democrat, and I want it to stay that way. They will get no apology from me, nor from our conservative hero Rush Limbaugh.

I will NEVER apoligize to Muslims.
We need a good Conservative TOUGH President like Reagan.

Obama is a soft girly man.
You did not finish or you would not think this was funny
"Shortly after condemning Limbaugh's remarks, Yee said he received racist death threats to his San Francisco and Sacramento offices. The lawmaker also received a profanity-filled telephone message Thursday."

Since when are Conservatives so thin skinned that they threaten to kill people who criticize Rush.
Just the usual double standard from the left. There was no outrage when Family Guy makes fun of the Chinese. Surely it's not because Mcfarlane is a liberal.
No. Rush is offensive and is not a comedian. Some actually compared this to Family Guy, which makes fun of everything. How typical.