Are lie detector tests accurate? My fiance wants to take one.............


May 23, 2008
...because he says he is telling the truth? My fiance and i were engaged to be married. Shortly beforehand, i called off the wedding because i found out about his "porn addiction".

I always thought there was no such thing as porn addiction..... until i found out that he kept losing his jobs because he was "spending too much time in the bathroom" at work and masturbating.

He put us through misery losing so many jobs and telling me that it was because of the bad economy. Then he admitted that the real reason he lost the jobs was because he would spend a combined time of 1-2 hours per day masturbating in the bathrooms. Meanwhile we were not having sex and even though i have always thought i was attractive, it ruined my self esteem.

He told me he would stop and since then we are still together but i don't want to marry him. To be quite honest i don't even love him anymore.

But recently he mentioned that he wants to start over and make the relationship work and get married like we originally planned. He said he has not done anything behind my back since i had found out and he would even take a lie detector test to prove it.

Number 1, taking a lie detector test for porn addiction seems really embarrassing and number 2, i've heard they are not even accurate.

But i do know that if i could know FOR SURE he hasn't lied to me, then i could start to trust him again and maybe love him again someday.

Should he take one?