
  1. T

    First Portable, Real-Time Asbestos Detector Offers Promise Of Better Workplace Safety

    Asbestos was once called a miracle material because of its toughness and fire-resistant properties. It was used as insulation, incorporated into cement and even woven into firemen's protective clothing. Over time, however, scientists pinned the cause of lung cancers such as mesothelioma on...
  2. L

    Are lie detector tests accurate? My fiance wants to take one.............

    ...because he says he is telling the truth? My fiance and i were engaged to be married. Shortly beforehand, i called off the wedding because i found out about his "porn addiction". I always thought there was no such thing as porn addiction..... until i found out that he kept losing his jobs...
  3. T

    Why didn't Hulk Hogan make Bully Ray or Austin Ares take a lie detector test?

    The fans around the world need to know the truth! Does he have a sex tape with Brooke?
  4. M

    Why did every single smoke detector go off then stop?

    About 15 minutes ago, I woke up to a few loud smoke detector "chirps" then it stopped. I thought it was coming from my room, but everyone in the house said it sounded like it was coming from their room, so I am assuming they all went off at the same time. There is no fire, and we don't have...
  5. K

    My smoke detector went off @ 3 am - but there wasn't a fire. Whyd they go off? ?

    Ok here's what I know It's the kind where u can replace the battery however both batteries were changed when we moved into the house in march. One went off at 3:45 the next one went off @ 3:55 Scared the heckk out of us & regardless of how tired I am i don't trust it now & am afraid that The...
  6. Y

    Smoke Detector keeps beeping?

    Our smoke detector keeps beeping. It's been beeping for the past couple days, but it doesn't beep continuously. It seems to start every night around 2am and stops beeping around 6-7am. I don't think it is the batteries because another one of our smoke detectors needed batteries and it kept...
  7. C

    Dup Detector 3.20

    , , Diskinizde gereksiz ve fazla ne varsa silen bu program özellikle resim ar?ivinizi düzenlemeniz içn birebir. Program önce tüm ar?ivinizi denetliyor ve ayn? olan resimleri siliyor silerkende baz? k?yaslamalar yapiyor bu hangi resim daha küçük hangisi daha güzel cözünürlügü vs gibi...
  8. J

    Do you check the batteries in your smoke detector yearly?

    Source: WYMT-TV, What is your opinion?
  9. T

    Police radar detector for cruising around in a hotbox?

    so i've been cheefin while driving since the dawn of time, and it just occurred to me how risky it really is after getting pulled over for one little slip-up (the temporary license blew off) and almost getting busted. my friend told me to get a radar detector so we can all put the blunt down and...
  10. T

    The World Leader In Molecular Breast Imaging To Premiere Largest Detector In The Indu

    Dilon Diagnostics will introduce the latest advancement in molecular breast imaging (MBI) this week at the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) Meeting in San Antonio, Texas, with the premiere of its FDA-cleared Dilon 6800® Acella Gamma Camera system. To complement the already widely successful...
  11. L

    How do you sneek in a cell phone through a metal detector?

    I sneak my phone into school and sometimes I ring is there anyway I can sneak it in and not go off??
  12. Z

    what is the disadvantages of heat and smoke detector?

    disadvates needed..
  13. K

    How To Reset my Valentine V1 radar detector?

    Ive had my valentine 1 radar for a while now and one day when i turned it on, it just kept going off saying there were multiple Ka alerts around me... i know its not true cause they followed me all the way home and into my garage. Now everytime i turn it on it just keeps going off with multiple...
  14. T

    Best speed gun/radar detector.?

    Just got my first speeding ticket ever. 71 in a 45 Now looking to invest in to something I should have gotten a long time ago! A damn good radar detector... Friend told me about the passport xi. But 650 is a lil steep.. Dont need all the GPS, and red light camera extras. JUST SPEED GUN...
  15. R

    What's a good motorcycle radar detector?

    I've seen a few radar detectors for motorcycles but I feel skeptical about throwing out the cash for them. I'm looking for something with good visual cues, seeing as I listen to music while I ride I wont be able to hear it, and plus my bike is loud anyways (2005 GSXR 1000).
  16. N

    Should I take a carbon monoxide detector on vacation with me?

    I'm going on vacation (a ski trip) and I'm staying in a hotel. I was wondering if I should take a carbon monoxide detector with me; is this just being over reactive and unnecessarily worried?
  17. M

    How to get iPhone 4 past school metal detector?

    Do not give me da same bullshit that everyone else does. Just tell me how... Don't waste my time telling me its against da law. I know you do or did it too once in ur life
  18. J

    Is there an EMF detector for a 3G iPhone?

    I have an iPhone 3G. I'd like to know if there is an EMF detector for it. If there is none, can a software compass do the same job? Also maybe using the bending of wifi or cell phone waves might do instead. Any answers would be appreciated.
  19. P

    Is there any logical reason my Laser detector would go off in my car and

    not in my truck? I have a 2003 Chevy Impala, it is not supposed to have navigation, or any satellite communications. I did buy it second hand so I am only partially sure of the above information. It does have a amplifier/antenna booster that may have capabilities for navigation, but that is...
  20. M

    which low cost radar detector? whistler xtr-265 , whistler xtr-475 or Cobra XRS

    9340FR ? All same price? which radar detector should I buy out of these 3? they are the only ones in my price range whistler xtr-265 , whistler xtr-475 or Cobra XRS 9340FR