Appetiser Personality Test


May 11, 2008
If all of the appetisers, aka starters, listed below were sitting in front of you, which would you choose (Sorry, you can only pick ONE!)

Trust me...this is very accurate

Pick your starter, then look to see what psychiatrists say about you.

After taking this starter personality test, send this e-mail on to others, but when you do, be sure to put your choice of dessert in the subject box above.

Here are your choices:

1. Spring Rolls
2. Spare Ribs
3. Crab Cakes
4. Onion Bahjis
5. Duck rolls
6. Prawn Cocktail
7. Samosas
8. Bread & Butter

No, you can't change your mind once you look down below, so think carefully
what your choice will be...............


OK - Now that you've made your choice this is what the research says about

1. SPRING ROLLS -- Self-centered and unawares of the preservatives found in these things

2. SPARE RIBS -- A person who has yet to question their own morality seriously, after all they're usually the ribs of little baby piggies.

3. CRAB CAKES -- Lost your taste buds in a major war.

4. ONION BAHJIS -- Probably always dine out alone unaware of a little thing called breath freshener.

5. DUCK ROLLS -- Fancy and self-absorbed, never dines out alone and makes a habit of overfeeding the ducks at the local duck pond as if fattening them up for later eating.

6. PRAWN COCKTAIL -- Was probably expecting a packet of Walkers crisps.

7. SAMOSAS -- Has bad habit of playing with food due to natural mathematical talent, loves practising trigonometry.

8. BREAD & BUTTER -- Cheap ass.

Address all complaints to Afghanistan.
bwahahahaha i think i need to ring my personality and let it know that i love maths