anyone think germany will try to take over again?

no, I don't think this is possible
they have permitted the same kind of idiots to be in power that we have here, and their economy is about to tank.
Watch out for China, though, we owe them big time
I seriously doubt if Germany had any desire or illusions to control Europe, or anywhere else, especially by economic means, as they know what it is to be broke and on a long time continual downslide.
Now that they are finally more or less self sufficient, I suspect they would like to stay that way.
It also seems that the Jews are the ones that have a desire for world control through economics and control over all media outlets to sell the people their propaganda.
Here: Long with many parts but strictly their goal and ideas;
Any small country as Germany or Japan could drag the World into another war. The Japanese worshiped there Emperor, in a God like faction, and they hadn't rules for war. The Germans after receiving Romes blessing, proceeded with lighting war fair. Can't believe the Polish sent the horse back calvary against the German tanks.All wars are possible,not probable,world wide news coverage,at that moment.
I don't know if your question is serious or supposed to be some kind of joke. Either way the definite answer to your question is no for a number of reasons. Germany is one of the biggest members of the global political economy. A lot of their companies have business interests with the rest of the world, look out your window and count how many BMWs, VWs, Audis, and Benzes you see. Also pop the hood of your car and see if there are any Bosch parts. Second, Germany is also a NATO ally, meaning they would either have to withdraw from NATO or violate the treaty and attack a NATO member which would be suicide. However I don't think there are any countries that dumb. Third, I wouldn't be too concerned about Germany attacking us rather who we will attack next.