Anyone know about fish?


New member
Jun 16, 2008
Ok, so I won a fish at the fair a month ago..and SURPRISINGLY he's still alive. I bought him a starter fish bowl from wal-mart that came with some rocks and a fake tree (big enough for one fish). I've been feeding him tetra fin for goldfish, and i'm not over feeding him. I've also made that water safe, but it seems like everyday his tank gets nasty. I end up having to clean it daily, and i clean it well. But, for some reason it gets murky and cloudy over night. Is this supposed to happen? I thought you only had to change the water 2-3 week, am i wrong? Any tips? Thanks!
you could get a pump that will keep the water cleaner, plus it will keep oxygen in the water, that your fish needs.
Try using store bought drinking water...also, make sure your tank is not in any sunlight. Your tank should not be getting murky after only 1 day.