Any movies Where there are Premonitions?

I'm assuming that by "premonitions," you're wanting movies featuring people who have premonitions, not just any kind of psychic powers. Here's a couple:

The Gift - Cate Blanchett has special abilities that allow her to *know* things.(

The Shining - The little boy has premonitions and other psychic abilities.(

Minority Report - This is more about precognition than premonitions, but the two are fairly similar. This is a science fiction movie, not a scary movie. (

Don't Look Now - Maybe you'll like this one better than I did...I couldn't finish it. But a father has premonitions and visions when his daughter dies. I stopped watching because it frankly got too weird and confusing for me, and it has a pretty intense sex scene (one of the most famous in cinema, actually) that I wasn't ready to see at the time. (

The Mothman Prophecies - I have to admit I don't remember this one very well because I fell asleep partway through it (due to being tired, not bored!). But I do remember there being visions in it. (

Also, I know these aren't movies, but here are a few TV shows to check out:

"Supernatural" features a main character who has premonitions, as well as occasional other guest characters with premonitions or other psychic abilities. (

"Twin Peaks" is a delightfully offbeat mystery/horror/drama show, and the main character, an FBI agent, has premonitions from time to time, as do several other characters on the show. It's probably creator David Lynch's most accessible offering. (
Butterfly effect isn't really premonition but kind of has that feel to it; also the movie title premonition