
  1. T

    Do you ever have premonitions?

    Specifically, I mean whether you ever have a feeling about how a situation will turn out?
  2. S

    Have you ever had premonitions?

    I have had quit a few. You don't have to believe me, but I did have a premonition about the Japan earthquake. I remember, very faintly, seeing Japan from an aerial view before I saw the mass destruction. I was freaked out when it happened. A lot of times I'll have little ones- like yesterday I...
  3. A

    lately i think i been having premonitions & experiencing some ghostly activity..?

    a couple of days ago i was watching tv & i saw some show that reminded me of my friend & i started wondering what she was up to like less then 10mins later she texted me i that it was funny at firts cause i'm like huh what a coincident but then that same night i have a dream of my friend who i...
  4. R

    Possible premonitions?

    So I'm 15, and ever since I was about 8 or 9, I started getting premonitions in my dreams and they would happen the next day, but then they only happened once a year. Now it's getting very specific and almost like it's once a week, or more. It's really weird. I'm just wondering if it's turning...
  5. F

    is it wrong to have "premonitions"?

    I was wondering if in Christianity, it is wrong to have "premonitions"? I'm only asking because my dreams come true sometimes and I didn't know if this would be considered being a false prophet? I don't call them premonitions, someone else did. But I researched a website they showed me and it...
  6. F

    Any idea what to do with my premonitions?

    I've been having a feeling from a long time that whatever I think most of time it happens or you can say just the opposite.I cant say that they are premonitions or like things shown in the movies like Final Destination but those are some random things that come in my mind.Sometimes its silly and...
  7. B

    Having possible premonitions?

    I have always had feelings or a knowing of when something was gonna happen and who it will involve. For example i will get into a deep thought or concentration out of no where about someone about what there doing or saying. I will see things like clothing or something they own laying around...
  8. B

    Having possible premonitions?

    I have always had feelings or a knowing of when something was gonna happen and who it will involve. For example i will get into a deep thought or concentration out of no where about someone about what there doing or saying. I will see things like clothing or something they own laying around...
  9. N

    Question about premonitions?

    I don't know if this is a "premonition" or not..but a year ago when I was at Santa Cruz with my brother and dad, I got horrible anxiety out of nowhere and I felt in my body that something was wrong and that something bad had happened or was going to happen. I can't describe the feeling I had but...
  10. R

    Disappearance A Premonitions Mystery 1-10 Questions?

    You had finished reading a book after you answer all questions. not some or a few. you MUST answer all questions! 1. Dylan noticed a dead man's body after a. climbing up the roof of a church b. opening the restaurant's bathroom door c. diving off a deck into the water d. walking around an alley...
  11. L

    Feeling guilty? SIDS? Premonitions?

    Prior to my child's death in April, I had a premonition while I was sitting in the chair rocking my son as he was asleep in my arms. I dreamed that my son was going to die. Toward the end of the month, the nightmare became real. I had fears even when I was pregnant. I didn't tell anyone about it...
  12. T

    Do you believe in premonitions?

    Is there any evidence of a person who had convincingly real 'premonitions'? By real I mean, they predicted something that was near impossible to predict with just usual thinking.
  13. S

    Are there any online communities go those with premonitions, empaths, etc?

    I would like to see if there is somewhere online where I can connect with others that have similar gifts.
  14. S

    Premonitions- Can I change it?

    I have gotten premonitions since I was a kid. They usually happen when I'm zoned out or on the edge or sleep/waking. I know the difference between a premonition and a dream. They feel completely different. You may not understand unless you have them. Please no non believers. Anyway I have...
  15. M

    what is the term in the bible for one wioth or the presence of premonitions?

    a child (8yr) sences things like how a stranger was assaulted or has questions like how his mother will find him in heaven when he dies in "five" years. This child is healthy and bright in a catholic school.
  16. A

    I'm getting what seems to be premonitions in my dreams, is it a gift i have?

    Sometimes I have Dreams of things that end up happening? So sometimes when I dream I dream of things like maybe me and a friend walking home and him finding something or me sitting and doing something with friends, and it doesn't always hapen that day or the next it could be months in the future...
  17. M

    I'm afraid that i'm having premonitions?

    For a while now,I have had what I feel were visions. At times I can sense what someone is doing even if I'm nowhere near them. I've had a few dreams about events that happened either the next day or weeks later. It doesn't happen exactly as it did in the dream,but what happened in my dreams came...
  18. M

    why do i get premonitions?

    every night i have these dreams about this one girl in my class and i have them on a regular basis. i often times get really sudden premonitions, it comes to a point of scariness and almost makes me cry. please someone explain to me, everything to do with this. is this a message from god?
  19. M

    I'm having premonitions that something big is about to happen... and some of my...

    ...friends are too? For the record, I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual. I don't want anybody on here trying to convert me to any religion. Now on with the story... I always try to be super aware of things around me. And lately, it just seems like stranger things have started happening at a...
  20. I

    Do i have visions and/or premonitions?

    When i was 4 my Uncle was very sick and if i remember right had lung cancer. We were headed to the hospital to see him and we were almost there when i a thought popped into my head: "Uncle Pual is dead." a few seconds later my moms phone rings and she awnser it and starts crying. When she got...