anxiety disorder + phone interview?


Aug 31, 2008
Wondering if anyone has any advice for me.
I deal with GAD.. I also have little bit of a learning disorder when it comes to math/technical things
I have a phone interview coming soon and feel really unprepared and nervous. I feel like I'm a good fit for the position, and I do well in writing.. but sometimes i come across very blunt when i speak and i dont want to make an error. I am also very self conscious because ive never really worked anywhere be4 even though it says that i have on my resume. which makes me even more paranoid. The work i put down, i did do.. but it was more for the family business.. and not an outside employer. and im not even sure how to go about explaining it if they ask..or if they will ask about hours?
furthermore.. they stated that even though its an internship that its basically really hard and technical ..
and though i want to learn that side of business.. and have integrity i am really worried that i will not be able to grasp what they are teaching due to my learning style and that others may have skills i do not. especially in math and software. usually i am better at teaching mysef things.. but due to my anxiety i tend to overthink when other people explain things.. or may need more repetition before i get what to do.
I am afraid i will not be able to verbalize this if i do not i do not understand something.. so im really worried about NOT understanding something.. and them assuming that i do.. and moving on and so forth.
safe to say i was traumatized as a child when a teacher screamed at me for not knowing a math problem
Im not sure they will ask those but they say the interview would be 15-20 minutes.
It is for a paid intership
Do u have any words for me? anything from your past experience? or anything to say?
i feel like crying because my confidence is so out of place with where im up to in life..
and.. i feel like i could be sabotaging myself.. if im too scared to answer their call
Practise breathing and thats what you mostly can do really, also try staying positive and so you can stop getting nervous like listening to music ..i got anxiety its such a big problem..oh well :/
Honey, honey.... Relax, breathe. I've struggled with high anxiety and panic attacks too. But the ONLY thing to ever have helped me was Jesus. I remember freaking out in a hospital bed and all I said was "Jesus help me" and instantly I calmed down. It was crazy. But God can and WILL get you through and He is the only thing you need. So relax, ask God to help you and i guarantee you will be okay. Trust me... I've never been happier and more calm since I devoted myself to Him 2 years ago. he loves you, give Him a try