annoying Mac crashes?


New member
Feb 19, 2008
Though rare, Macs do crash. Anyway, even before I upgraded to Leopard, I started having all these "kernel" crashes. If not that, then my Mac would just freeze. I have been to Apple forums, erased the HD,unplugged certain hardware to troubleshoot, and it continues to crash, especially using firefox and/or safari. Any apps to help me isolate what is causing these crashes?
And please, Mac users only, PC users don't waste my time.

Powerbook G4, mac os 10.5.2, 2gb ram, 1.33ghz, 2 external HD's,
go to the lynix operating system for starters. Its so much better than the other operating systems out there. Other than that it sounds like a bug takke the computer in and have it looked at.