An arizona rancher was shot and killed now an Arizona deputy, yet Libs whine about


New member
Sep 17, 2008
an illegals civil rights? Where are the civil rights in the arizona rancher who was gunned to death along with his dog or the Arizona deputy who was shot in the admomen by a AK-47 armed illegal alien?
Exactly. A lot of ignorant people are protesting this law. They have no idea why it is necessary, much less what the law says. Ignorance is NOT bliss. It's downright foolish.
Oh, and about 20,000 Americans are murdered in the US every year by other US citizens. How about that?

This is what your sacred second amendment does to the country.
His rights probably went to the same place that Tiller's did ... you hypocrit!
In America we don't punish an entire class of people for the crimes of a few. Not sure how they do it in your country.