
  1. N

    When fiscal cons are proven to be right, will libs still swallow big government lies?

    probably, they are retardozombies.
  2. E

    ever notice how libs haven't complaining about gitmo since January 20, 2009?

    why is that? they screamed about it for 7yrs from January 2002 until January 20, 2009. then all of the sudden they just stopped talking about it altogether.
  3. Y

    Why do libs dish dirt by the truck load, but cry like babies when dirt gets tossed

    back? what say you
  4. M

    Do you laugh when you hear libs talk about capitalists "ill gotten gains"?

    if they have any evidence of crimes being committed why not report it to the police? instead of whining free enterprise is perfectly legal, btw
  5. E

    I recall libs whining for years about Bush's wiretapping, so what's the Dem

    Senate doing with emails? Warrantless wiretapping got Bush in so much trouble... yet the Democrat-controlled Senate is proposing to do the exact same thing with email. Where's the outrage out...
  6. Y

    Why do libs dish dirt by the truck load, but cry like babies when dirt gets...

    ...tossed back? what say you
  7. Y

    Why do libs dish dirt by the truck load, but cry like babies when dirt gets...

    ...tossed back? what say you
  8. Y

    Libs, what are your candidates gonna do different this year to end your 2+ year...

    ...trend of losing elections? Use conservative lingo to confuse the voters? Just an idea. A couple doubt that there's a trend...I hope the candidates doubt it too.
  9. I

    Libs can blab and spin and cry and whine and talk PCT. all they want but

    how do they explain how? Obama CREATED jobs when two million more are unemployed now than when he took office. Jan 2009-11 Million unemployed Mar 2012-13 Million Unemployed get ready to hear..WAA WAA WAA Bush and those mean Republicans did it!
  10. I

    So can we depend on all those libs who "didn't vote for Bush"[lol] to reelect

    So can we depend on all those libs who "didn't vote for Bush"[lol] to reelect Obama & continue all the Bush? policies candidate Obama criticized? Why are libs maintaining they're 'on to Obama's hypocrisy',but failing to challenge his nomination with another Dem?
  11. Y

    Why are libs still whining about the cost of a war most Democrats approved of?

    & in typical liberal fashion. turned against as soon as we were in. Jingles, I AM! So's the PC. French Toast for the kids.
  12. M

    Why do Cons complain about Libs on welfare when Blue States are richer, contribute...

    ...more tax & higher education? Fact 1: On average Red States receives more government funding and contribute less income to federal government, compared to Blue States which receives less and contribute more tax to Federal Government (Texas is the notable exception)...
  13. S

    Isn't it loony? The Libs are STILL whining about Bush. Isn't the mental disease of?

    liberalism more dangerous for the Country than even terrorism
  14. M

    Obama told people to buy Chevrolet Volt. Why aren't the libs buying any Chevrolet

    volt then? Don't they consider Obama to be their messiah? Everything he says is word of God to them. Yet they aren't showing up at any Chevy dealership to buy Volt. how come? or is it the case that the libs are broke and financially in tatters themselves? You need good credit and solid income...
  15. T

    Where are all those Libs who were on here ranting and raving about Davis'...

    ...execution stay? Can't wait until they wake up and realize that Troy Davis is history! The Supreme Court late Wednesday rejected an 11th-hour request to block the execution of Troy Davis, who convinced hundreds of thousands of people but not the justice system of his innocence in the murder...
  16. A

    Why do so many YA conservatives claim that libs name call when they

    can't argue facts? Are they blind to their own behavior? Let's see. I have been called a whore, anorexic, stupid, blind, a follower, the c-word. I guess those don't count.
  17. G

    Will you Libs continue to whine for the next 2 years or at some point will... realize you lost the House? Death Valley will freeze over permanently before you ever get 25 GOP House votes on anything that you want for the next two years. The only thing Obama can pass are things WE want not you! Get used to it!
  18. C

    is roger price and leon stern still writing mad libs?

    i love the word game mad libs but are they still making them
  19. B

    Why are libs suing taco bell? Did they really expect their beef to be 100% beef?
  20. S

    Why are no libs protesting about Tibet now that BO is the one chatting with

    the Chinese pres? Is it because both presidents are communists?