Agent Ralph Cindrich says ?everyone has something? on Nick Saban


Jun 17, 2007

Agent Ralph Cindrich was on a Pittsburgh radio station on Thursday to discuss the Penn State scandal and sanctions and in the course of the discussion, brought up Nick Saban, saying that "everyone has something" on the Alabama coach and that, under oath, his players would say they were being paid.

The conversation with Larry Richert and John Shumway on KDKA turned towards Saban when Cindrich, a former NFL player, was asked who was watching the NCAA. Cindrich initially said "no one" and then said this:

"You want to know who's watching them? Nick Saban. You want to trust Nick Saban? I have enough on Saban right now — and I realize this stuff gets out, and I also realize the truth is a defense. I know what goes on in college football, so cut me a break.

"Everybody has something on Nick Saban, for God's sake. And if he has a problem with anything I say, come on after me, big guy."

Many have criticized the NCAA for its swift handling of the Penn State situation and Cindrich called NCAA President Mark Emmert a "bozo" and "hypocrite," especially for his comments about academics and sports. (You can listen to the full interview here.)

When pressed about Saban, Cindrich used him as an example of the landscape of college football — though he didn't claim to be directly involved in any illicit dealings recently, nor offered any specifics from what he says he was involved in. When he was asked if Alabama players were being paid he said "Oh, come on."

"When you get these guys down and you get them under oath, they'll tell you that. Sure."

"The statute of limitations has probably run as far as any criminality was involved to what I was relating to Saban, but I was involved in it," Cindrich said. "I know what he tried to do. I know what he tried to cover up. If he wants to stand up and say something, I'll bring that up. If it's out of time, I'll go to the nearest agent I know, and I'll bring up about a dozen things that are in time, because that's the way he and most of the big-time schools, particularly in the SEC, operate."

Pay for play accusations always raise eyebrows, even though they've become fairly commonplace. Will this go anywhere? Until Cindrich offers specifics, likely not.